
It is quite ridiculous how far some people will go to justify their own fears and insecurities about sex by labeling large swaths of the population as being sexually immoral.

Great post.

This looks like a yogurt ad more than anything. Also, why is yogurt 'woman food'? Perplexing...

It's a racial slur.

She also admitted under oath to wanting to plan a plantation themed wedding with black slaves. She admitted that she tried to make a "Sambo burger" episode but the network shot it down.

This is an app to show women how to pleasure their vaginas. If you don't have a vagina, maybe you should mind your own business? Why lash out at an app for pleasuring your vagina if you don't have one to pleasure? Maybe they will make an app for trans masturbation in the future, but this isn't that app.

'It's not binary!'

I agree about the little annoying blips on the photo.

"Men, meanwhile, are all sex-hungry Johnny Applesemens with no expiration date, biologically programmed to stride around the prairie with a pot for a hat, fore'er frosting the world with the seed of life."

It's for boys too. It's almost as if the article is implying by omission that girls wouldn't be turned on/distracted were boys allowed to wear the sleeveless t's with big holes cut for the arms, wearing their pants just above their pubic area, shirts which show their abs, and other male fashions which are sexually

The best reason is that no such thing as a god exists. :)

This!!!! OMG can you imagine digging yourself out of rubble only to be accosted by WOLF BLITZER shoving a microphone in your face!?

What a bunch of jerkwads! They deserve a backlash.

I think it is stupid that he committed suicide, and I really feel for his loved ones. It must be so hard to deal with.

Lol. Funny!

I agree. The other thing I think is amazing is how much importance these companies and their "beauty consultants" place on cleaning your pores & opening up your pores, only to smear makeup into those same pores every morning.

Why should these guys burden themselves with a mask of makeup?

Uhm, if your vagina looks like those figs you might want to see a doctor.

Keep being awesome. :)

How about we skip over all this appearance stuff and cut to the chase.