not unlike the company heads who need to be forced into doing what makes economic sense to them. So tiresomely frustrating.
not unlike the company heads who need to be forced into doing what makes economic sense to them. So tiresomely frustrating.
Why the fuck is this person out if the greys? Could y'all maybe fix the idiotic and arbitrary comment system on this site before trying to ruin it with new ways to publish crap to the main page?
Me an my ilk. I guess if you want to lump all us decent people who try to live in a morally responsible way in a big old group, that's cool.
So weird. I refused to decorate a cake with penises. Because gross. But my boss thought it was hilarious and did it.
Let's promote the living hell out of this comment.
It would be almost impossible for me not to respond to their complaint by mailing them a giant poster that said, "SUCK ALL OF THE DICKS, YOU ASSHAT. And stop wasting time and taxpayer money on this shit."
On the flip side, I know which baker has quickly rocketed to the top of the list for gay couples in Denver looking for a wedding cake.
When they released it, the servers were down for DAYS.
Aren't cakes supposed to be celebratory? Like yay I'm celebrating the fact that I'm a gigantic oozing arsehole. With cake.
Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.
What the hell did bakers ever do to anyone to deserve being the leading edge of the culture wars?
Yeah, the whole first half of the bible is basically, "worship God or die. Painfully."
Of course, it's the second half that then comes around to the "don't be an asshole" idea, but that's more of an expansion pack, not the original.
you know, the bible has its problems, but i know for a fact that nowhere does it say "god hates gays," nor are there any pictures of two dudes holding hands with an x over them.
A Colorado baker is facing a discrimination complaint. This sounds like an old story, right? New wrinkle, though:…
I worked at McDonald's in high school. I can tell you first hand that McDonald's fried chicken patties for the McChicken and the Filet O' Fish are *never* meant to be eaten together. Now, the Quarter Pounder patties and McChicken? OK, that's good eatin'. Filet O' Fish with french fries and the spicy mustard? Quality.…
We are all Kvshton
I labored over that headline for a good ten minutes, and there's really no better way to describe this series of…