Frank Underboob

this was the only person from this town suggested to me, i think. next conjecture?

Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?

I’ve installed tasker on the kids phones. If the SMS is from me, and starts with the word URGENT (in caps), do the following:

Kind of glad we didn’t have cell phones when I was a kid.

If I were a kid and my parents put this on my phone, the thing would suddenly be spending a lot more time on Airplane mode.

Now playing

One of the most interesting cases of far right activists taking issue with being called Nazis is a man who goes by the name of Baked Alaska. He has been documenting his trip to Virginia on Twitter over the past few days, and has taken issue with people who have called him a Nazi again and again.

Shit like this is why I cannot for the life of me understand why countries like Australia, Canada, NZ etc. don’t become republics and jettison to holy hell the British Monarchy. The fact that if somebody wants to become a citizen of those countries they need to pledge allegiance to the Queen is utterly ridiculous.

Brazilian here. Although the article is factually correct, I think it would be useful to expand the information a bit, in order to get more context. Since I already sort of did that with my comment in the article about the Italian woman burnt alive by an ex-boyfriend, here it goes:

It’s about fucking time.

No. The rapper called Pitbull apparently got his name while on the way to watch a dog fight, so fuck him and his icky physical appearance.

Oh, hai

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

Now, stealing the nomination this way would be the most blatant voter disenfranchisement possibly in American history,

A little. A very big part of the Trump message that has working class voters on his side is his attack on the moneyed elite which has used social dog whistle politics to divert attention from their strip mining of all the wealth in this country. Trump’s call for automakers to return factories to the US or face tariffs

Sure, all true. But Trump’s potential genius is marrying that carefully curated GOP racism with populist economics.

Interestingly, courtesy of the way the RNC works, they do still have options to stop Trump if they want to. Turns out that voting to change the rules at the convention is done by voice vote, not in writing; as the Ron Paul people discovered back in 2012, it is amazing how good Reince Priebus’ designated people are at

But, but...but: baseball. Actually, watching George Will yammer about baseball in the Ken Burns film made me like baseball less. You just know George has a shrine to Kenesaw Mountain Landis in an alcove just off his sex dungeon.