“I think that shows he wasn’t an asshole.”
“I think that shows he wasn’t an asshole.”
“Why do motorcyclists get so emotional about EVERYTHING?”
“alarmed by a motorcycle suddenly popping up a couple feet from his window in a no-passing area”
“Are you really saying that because he hit a motorcycle he wont be prosecuted?”
But it’s okay to run your car into them, right?
And in your view that makes it okay for a driver to try to kill the rider, eh?
The turd should be prosecuted for attempted murder. There are accidents, & then there’s deliberately trying to run someone off the road.
“The police were quickly called, at which point Abrell apparently decided the best play was to try to fight them. She did not win, and is now in custody.”
I guess, but they still taste like dirt.
TROGLODYTE! I bet you also love salad sandwiches that’re soggy & purple with beetroot juice.
I wonder if that remedy dates back to when the stuff still had cocaine in it?
“Note: I do not want poop/vomit stories. Please stop sending me poop/vomit stories.”
Ditto. I like sour sour cream on chocolate cake too.
“Beets do not belong on a burger. “
Honey in coffee is very nice; give it a try some time.
@Lou Bergen
I thoroughly approve of this plan!
Isn’t the Spam fried for that?
Nuh uh! I’m fine with you hating on mayo; I’m not a fan of it either.