
as long as there are videogames there will always be 13 year olds processing heavy trauma through them.

This. Gypsy shouldn’t have been convicted at all, on the basis of self defense.  She arranged the death of her abuser.  She deserved compassion and treatment, not jail time.  Honestly, I wish nothing but the best for her.  I hope she can find happiness in her new life, but in the short term, hell yeah, I hope she gets

We’re well past that point

Unless it’s a school being held by a gunman in Texas.

I don’t know what kind of evidence her defense presented during her trial, but reading about the case earlier today, I can’t imagine voting to convict had I been on the jury.

Local police in military uniforms is not a good look.

Not really that hard to believe, “he’s a republican” is all the voters needed!

Prison time for these lying, punk-ass executives seems like a better idea to me.

Why Uncle Sam of course. And Cummins gets a tax write off in the process. 

Fuck it - make it $20 billion. Doesn’t fix the damage done.

They most likely know about it much more than you do. How can I tell? Because if you did look into it, you would know why they are saying the things they say (hint: it is not because of sci-fi movies) and you would try to address their concerns with an actual argument (no, ‘you are idiots’ is not an argument).

Not everyone enjoys the smell of your farts as much as you, friend.

Part of the intent of government programs is ‘to spend money’

This is to GTA fans what “The Force Awakens” announcement was to Star wars fans. It’s a big deal to a big fan base. 

To be fair, we are talking about the long-awaited sequel to the game that has consistently been in the top 5 most popular, highest grossing, best selling games every year for an entire fucking decade since it’s release.

You mean single issue ‘fascism’. Regulation of roads/cars is not fascism. You may not like it, it may be antithetical to our American values, but it is not fascism if democratically elected officials enact these regulations. Driving is not a right. Hell if we got together as a society (through our democratically

Because you clicked on this article and would have scrolled past the nobody.

Ok yes I agree in part with you, but this is not some liberal semi facism thing. It’s just selective outrage, and it’s common to both conservatives and liberals, meaning everyone. Don’t try to make it more than it is with your own personal bias. That’s how we become divided on issues we all actually agree on to turn

Reference to a Rage Against The Machine song about cops.