
He was focused on fixing the economy, all the lost jobs and containing Covid at the start of his term.

I love that Marge Greene speech where she attacks Biden for investing in infrastructure and environmental, finishing what FDR started”

I had forgotten to cancel my amazon prime and it autorenewed so I’ll keep it for one more year but Amazon has become a more expensive Temu because 90% of the stuff there is cheap Chinese knock offs, it’s rife with counterfeit products and Prime Video is trash with ads.

The pilot announced that there will be turbulence and everyone needs to put on their seatbelt. But after 20 minutes of minor turbulence some people thought it was safe.

That’s it, double down on your stupidity.

“Literally, it was a $5 or $6 million budget with no special effects,” Reynolds recalled to Entertainment Weekly.

Reading comprehension is hard.

If you don’t know the simple task of finding this information then don’t comment. 

Red states and cities have the highest crime and murder rates, but Conservatives love to push the lie about Chicago, NYC and California are more dangerous.

I wonder if it’ll hold up if I put it in my back pocket and sit on it.

People died, they put the lives of 1000's of people at risk so they get to just pay a fine.  Ridiculous

What a coincidence, my girlfriend is the exact same way!

I’m going to take a drink every time Trump makes a weird noise or rambles incoherently.  I expect to be blacked out before the debate is over.

I mean, that’s every President.  When they’re smart enough to appoint competent people that’s all we need. 

The last 4 years we’ve haven’t seen this low unemployment for this long since the 60's. Economy is doing well, market is doing well. Biden has actually done an amazing job and you’d see it if you get your head out of the sand.

You should opt-out for sure. Don’t even vote. I mean what’s the point of both siders doing anything?

You know they’re experimenting different drugs on Trump because that’s what Trump’s Dr accused the White House of doing with Biden. And we all know, every accusation is a confession with the GOP.

To his supporters Trump could poop himself and make all sorts of weird noises and never say a single actual word and they’ll say he won.

Did they have to add googly eyes on it?

I tip wait staff but if I’m at a counter buying something I’m not tipping! That’s ridiculous. Tipping culture is out of control.  We need to end tipping and have employers pay their employees.