
Laid off 10% of the workforce but they’re trying to restore a 56 BILLION dollar compensation package for Musk.  How is this crap legal?

I like the videos where they’re being arrested and they’re yelling “you’re in so much trouble!!!”  and i have to wonder.. in trouble with who?

There’s nothing to do with it.  I have had 2 VR kits. the original HTC Vive and the Valve Index.  And they sit there collecting dust because there’s no good content. 

Meanwhile the former CEO resigned with $30 Million instead of standing trial.

I don’t have it either, it’s most likely an Airpod Pro 2 feature. 

People who are hard of hearing would find this useful. I just tested it and it amplifies everything.

If you saw 5 guys jump out of a car armed and coming at you would you shoot? or would you think, hey, they’re probably cops?

Is that why they stopped him? For his previous violations, if so why are they saying they stopped him for a seatbelt violation?

That was a hit job, plain clothes officers jumping out of an unmarked car for a seatbelt violation?? If I saw a bunch of armed guys jumping out of a car I’d start shooting too.

She was exhilarated when Disney decided not to renew her contract, she celebrated with multiple tweets about how she’s free now.

To truly get autonomous driving there will have to be one standard where every car is in communication with all the cars around them so they don’t hit each other. 

If you actually print a lot of documents it’s best to buy a black and white printer and not an all in one. Those color cartridges are expensive and black always runs out quickly.

I’ll watch it on TV, the safest way.

Where the hell are his handlers? Musk is running amok

When I was a kid there was a show called Space 1999, where we’re travelling around in space.  The year 2000 was supposed to be like all those sci-fi shows.. but here we are.

I really wish there was a god, then all these hypocritical religious nuts would be burning in hell.

You know who will be staring directly at the eclipse? Same people who believe the election was stolen, anti-vaxxers.. all those Qanon people.

THC definitely helps against chronic pain and is less addictive, expensive and dangerous than opioids.

When I saw the thumbnail I immediately saw the Nazi SS symbol.  I find it hard to believe when they designed it they didn’t see it.

I always said it’s just a convection oven but the fans are closer and stronger.  But it definitely works better than a conventional convection oven.