
Crazy sells well. It seems like anyone who is having trouble getting an audience just spreads the dumbest conspiracies and suddenly they’re getting views.

Because it depends on how they benefit. They love states rights until states are doing things they deem as “woke” then no states rights for anyone.

Who chooses not to feed the poor and homeless? You need to check what the Republicans are voting against.  Red states are even refusing federal funds to give kids free school lunches.  Zero dollars out of their own budget, they just refused to give kids free lunches. 


Conservative MO, start trouble then cry victim. 

The Navigator was what kicked off the enormous luxury SUV market. Now it’s viewed as old. Perception really drives a lot of the market.

Did the US in a war with Palestine?

Inflation is lower than any modern nation, you must live in a red state where inflation is triple the national average. Do you think people didn’t live paycheck to paycheck 4 years ago?


I remember the BigTrak, it was the most amazing this I’ve ever seen but of course we couldn’t afford it.

It doesn’t matter to his viewers, “No reasonable person would go to Carlson for News”, and “Tucker Carslon is no obligated to tell the truth”  So a fake expert is normal for Carlson.

Ventilated seats, I won’t go through another summer without them.

That’s a scary but realistic point.

lol, I looked him up too and yep.. just how I expected.

At least he didn’t call her a flight wench.

This movie would probably just infuriate me more than I already am with the state of this country and the nuts who believe they can win a civil war this time. 

That really does sum it up, just add books bad too.

Has the FBI started looking into this or is it still just the local police dept which will result in nothing. 

Which Conservative isn’t clueless? They think being racist and bigoted without consequences is their god given right.

Pass digital privacy laws if you atually care about our privacy.  Banning an app is akin to censorship, even stupid dumb apps like Tik Tok shouldn’t be banned.