
Nope, everyone needs to stand up against racist pieces of crap.

Some people are still angry about the civil war, so yea, these type of people never admit they were wrong or admit they lost.

I’m no software engineer but this sounds very insecure and possibly giving this company access to your data.  You dont’ expect any other app like Signal, whatsapp, etc to be allowed to send messages from outside the app.  Why is iMessage being forced to open it’s messaging app?

No one can see an article about Uranus and not make jokes about rings, probes and moons.

If you’re on the Bachelor you’re not actually looking for love, you’re just looking for attention.  If you’re on tv pouring your heart out you’re not actually very protective of your feelings.

You can still be rich without being an asshole or heartless but it helps if you are. 

This is the attitude of someone who lived an entitled life and has never worried about money or cared about anyone else.

It’s definitely for fuel efficiency because a Mercedes with a 4 cylinder 250 HP engine has a 9 speed transmission.

I hold no expectations for this movie. But I will try to remain optimistic.

Pay a fine, avoid prison and can continue to operate.  God bless America.

If you flying international and get to fly on Air France or JAL, you’ll see a huge difference in service. Especially Asian airlines they are far far better than an US airline.

I’m kicking myself for even reading the article.   I should have just kept scrolling.

Typical, blame how people react to his racism but not his racist speech.

So the people who were scammed and had their credit tarnished get nothing because it’s “extremely cumbersome” to make them whole?

If you have any bitcoin since 2016 you’re rich!

Tesla is one law change away from going under.  They survive solely on selling carbon credits, once the selling of those go away Tesla is done.

I’m not a boomer but I do love old muscle cars, all the older guys had them when I was just a kid. 

You can tell Elon thought a company like Twitter just runs itself. That’s why he fired the devs and others. He probably thought no one did anything, everything is already setup.  That’s how clueless he is.

It’s difficult to trust reviews about Capt. Marvel because there’s so much hate towards Brie Larson from nuts jobs. There’s a lot of people who want any movie with female leads or anything viewed as “woke” to fail.

What a solution, give billions more to oil companies and build more power plants that will fail under the same weather circumstances.  Genius thinking.