
He doesn’t need an excuse, his idiot followers are always sending him their welfare money.

I remember during the 2016 election where polls showed Hillary Clinton winning by a landslide.

I know reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone park revitalized the entire area.  But in populated areas I’m not sure bringing in more large predators is a good idea.

This is just morbid.  Let people go and move on, it’s difficult but it’s life.

The only thing more annoying and dumb as Trump are his supporters.

Getting screwed by NFT’s in more ways than one.

So his chatbot is going to hate Tesla cars.  Because “woke” people love EV’s, conservatives hate them.

I does affect them because their kids, grandkids and mistresses get abortions but they have enough money to fly them somewhere secret to get their abortions.  They revel in their hypocrisy.

Just make a good game, too much time was spent on creating a gimmick.

Check his overseas accounts.

We want to build a utopia!!! But first lets try to destroy these people’s lives because they refuse to give up their land.

How was the products imported in if they’re banned?

Didn’t Musk admit he only started the loop to stop California from building a high speed rail system?

Whoa... who knew attacking your biggest customer base would have a detrimental affect on your company.

Interesting, I wonder how it will work with excel. 

It looks weird in black.

He will save millions giving away these worthless RSU’s instead of cash.

Confederates fought against America and lost. So proclaiming your allegiance to the confederacy is just proclaiming you are a traitor and a loser.

I didn’t not even know donating plasma was a thing.  I had to look it up, thanks!

Here’s a real puzzle: To protect yourself from becoming a zombie you have to take a vaccine.. do you take it or do you protest putting magnets on your face?