
Why do people hate her? They should hate the pathetic losers paying for her for these disgusting things. 

I mean, it’s weird but blood drives are good things. Donating blood is also actually good for you. The bad part is you donate your blood but they turn around and sell it for $100's of dollars and the hospital sells it to patients for $1000's.

Get insurance, always.

The smartphone market is just not exciting anymore.  Hasn’t been in years.

This is actual censorship, being banned from social media because you made racist remarks is not.

This guy has multiple sex crimes including one involving a 16 year old.  Why isn’t he in prison already?  He’s a bonafide menace to society who’s going to end up killing someone.

This one time he can actually blame liberals or “woke” people because they were the ones that were buying most of the Teslas. You won’t find many conservatives looking for EV’s. Maybe it was a bad idea alienating his biggest customer base.

I don’t know if you’re joking but my thoughts can keep me up all night.

I need to listen to something to sleep as well.  My brain seems to go into high gear at night.  I need something to distract me from my own thoughts.

There’s a lot of material and diverging story lines, dozens and dozens of novels.  Why try to mess with the original that launched it all? 

More things anti-vaxxers will not have to worry about but will fight vehemently against. Even though there are no more vaccine or even mask mandates.

I’m sure they were making 10's of millions legitimately. They were just blindly greedy stealing billions.

We don’t even need to file, the IRS knows exactly what we made and what we owe or they owe us.

The reason there aren’t libs there is because they keep getting banned. 

Reality trolls Conservatives

The best troll against a liberal is, “you mad Trump ain’t in prison?” Celebrating the two tier justice system is just a self-own.  Like yay! Trump doesn’t pay taxes.

Why is this ok? What if someone was addicted to oxycotin and requested the drug so they can be normal in trial.

Best Buy confirmed that it will stop selling all DVDs and Blu-Rays starting in the new year

Make stock buybacks illegal again and they’ll have billions to give to workers.

They kick the whole family out and their expensive Disney vacation is ruined.