
It seems like some people their new from either Twitter or Facebook. Those people are usually pretty scary.

If she just liked the colors why’d she put the police logos and State Trooper on it?

I can’t tell if this is a joke or not.

Even if they were close to producing a viable vehicle Musk would get on X/Twitter and announce some other dumb feature that popped into his head.

That’s too bad they deserve each other. 

It’s amazing how decades of brain washing has certain working class people cheering against other working class people.

Even if they never work again once you’re CEO you get huge bonuses and a golden parachute so you’re set for life.  Look at the disaster of a CEO from Yahoo Marissa Mayer who left with 260 million dollars. 

I’m shocked that someone who grew up in apartheid South Africa and who’s family ran emerald mines would be a bigot... SHOCKED I tell you!!

So they shouldn’t report about lawsuits against tech companies because it hurts your feelings?

The only thing still holding back a lot of people from buying EV’s is infrastructure. Until charging stations are as ubiquitous as gas stations there will always be some hesitancy whether real or imagined.

Musk should just hire one of Trumps former White House spokespersons. Then they can go anywhere and spew whatever lie he wants them to without and shame.

Republicans are vile heartless hypocrites.

The guy is a complete idiot, he cut the car off then brakes hard. Then he’s weaving all over the road and doesn’t slow down. He might have lost control with all regular tires.

If your town is powered by coal that town is on the verge of death anyway.

Coal has been a dead industry for many years, the only reason it’s even still around is because politicians like Manchin push for heavy subsidies to keep it alive.  He makes $500,000 a year from his coal investments.

Soon Republicans will ban women from drinking alcohol if they’re “child bearing age”

In NYC we call people like her bridge and tunnel. She’s a tourist in NYC, yelling at other tourists.

You guys just don’t understand his genius moves.  JK.  He’s an idiot

Same people who subscribe to porn sites.

He made 30 million, get fined 15 million and 5 years in prison. Would you go to prison for 3 million dollars a year?