
lmao.. is this a serious comment? 

Every corporation expects to continually increase it’s profits and expand every year. This is unsustainable, eventually the entire planet will be controlled by a single company. 

Her career ended with the Sopranos. Typical nut trying to blame vaccine mandates for their dead careers.

I always though Cyberpunk was a decent game. It was nothing like what they promised but it was fun enough. Strangley I didn’t have many bugs when I played it seemed to work fine through out the game. But the story was meh, so I have no desire to go back to it.

I looked at the photo and though why is Flava Flav getting fined.

99% of the time its always some person who accidentally allowed someone in.

“sending death threats and threatening to fire bomb our North American offices”

Saw the title and thought.. whatever.. noticed this game is a “bloodborne inspired” game and now I’m interested.  Bloodborne is one of my all time favorite games.

The writers aren’t even making outrageous demands, they just want to get paid. Some writers can’t even earn a basic living.

From what I know about Palantirs founder, Peter Thiel, his interpretation of what’s evil and what isn’t is not the same as most people.

There was another casino awhile back that got hacked into, the hacker got in through a smart thermometer in some fishtanks. 

Can’t wait to see how Musk will blame the jews when NY Times pulls it’s advertising.

Right wing terrorists acting up again.

Giuliani is going to get a big check for $10,000, the rest goes into Trumps pocket.

The best thing about new phone releases is last years model gets huge rebates and discounts.

Of course if you want to maximize profits you act like inhuman robots.  If you want a good society where people are happier and comfortable than no, not so good.

The novelty is gone. 

In Hollywood these rapists are always known, just like how everyone knew Harvey Weinstein was raping these women but no one cared.

Don’t leave it alone in some jar, we’ve all learned from movies it will grow and morph into it’s true form when everyone is sleeping.

I guess I’m one of the few that actually like AVP 2.