
I owned several GoPros i used to be a big fan until I bought the 10. The hypersmooth works great but now it needs more light than ever to work properly. It’s not smart enough to make adjustments when you go indoors and you have to manually change the profile to turn off hypersmooth because even on it’s lowest setting

I never understood how directors and actors get paid so much but the writers never did. You can’t have a hit movie without starting with a good script. The best actors and directors can’t make a great movie on a crap script.

There’s only 2 major park companies in Florida. Disney and Universal, if either of these companies decline so will Florida.

I’ve seen people with metal detectors on beaches, they lug a battery pack and walk back and forth through the entire beach, often in the water (apparently some of them are water proof), while swinging that detector back and forth. So yea, it’s actually good exercise.

I remember the first time I heard someone speak ill of Fallon, it was Tracy Morgan on the Howard Stern show. He said he had to threaten Fallon to stop his fake giggling on SNL. Fallon would do it on purpose to draw attention to himself and it would often piss off the other cast members but he didn’t care.

If Disney suffers, all of Florida suffers, they are their biggest employer and brings in billions in tourist spending and tax dollars. Their “special treatment” saves Florida 10's of millions of dollars because it allows Disney to maintain their properties on their own instead of using public funding.

I don’t know why Republicans hate the 1st amendment so much. And no, the 1st amendment isn’t being able to say whatever the hell you want without consequences. So no, being banned from social media for being a racist doesn’t violate the 1st amendment.

Just keep collecting his rants which often contain a confession and use it in court against him.

He’s trying to stir up his terrorists to commit violence against the prosecutors and judges.

I remember reading about the fascist handbook and their tactics. One that I never understood is to make your opponents seem incredibly weak and ineffective while also making them seem extremely powerful and cunning. I mean how could this be possible.

Seems like there’s people that actually used Wordpad.  I never understood it’s purpose, if you needed to make a quick not use notepad.  If you needed to create an actual doc you’d use Office, google docs, etc. 

And they didn’t realize this while they were dating? Don’t expect people to suddenly change just because they’re married. 

Trump would never choose a woman as VP, he only sees women as objects to be used and tossed away.

This is what the GOP want.

DeSantis anti-woke campaign is working better than he expected.  Look at all his supporters coming out in droves cheering for him.

Those Nazis in congress are egging on these street Nazis to commit violence.

It would be great if he sued, then they’d be in court proving that he has encouraged an influx of hate speech. 

Because it always works, white supremacists never change.

DeJoy needs to be charged with election fraud.  He’s destroying the post office to hamper mail in voting.

It’s kind of amazing these movies continue to make money.