
Malaria, Leprosy, insurance cost running people out of their homes, inflation rate triple national average, billions lost due to woke campaign, immigrants fleeing causing problems in farming and construction, siphoning state tax dollars on his personal Presidential campaign... I think it’s delusional DeSantis

Ah, I see your point. 

It’s like when Pappa Johns CEO said giving their employees healthcare would raise the price of a pizza pie 25 cents. And even that was exaggerated.

Whoever released the first clamshell smartphone that doesn’t wrinkle or have a line across the middle I’ll buy.  

Maybe they shouldn’t have lowballed their bid to get the contract. It’s common practice, low ball the price then try to get more money when the actual price is billions more.

The vast majority of Americans are pro-choice but following the will of the people means nothing to Republicans.

It’s like an episode of Twilight Zone

He stood by and let it happen.  So yea, he’s an accomplice.

I remember as a kid I learned that all these power stations including nuclear are just ways to boil water. Takes a lot of excitement out of it.

Musk is already setting up an excuse not to fight.

Why is it only a race/gender/class war when they fight back.?

Looking at the sketch and the AI touchup, I think it’s fair use.  He still had to create the images, the AI just added a few elements.

We saved millions not paying anyone, unfortunately we have no new shows or anything being developed.

He can’t even get basic tweeting right, who in their right mind would invest their money through this disaster.

There was a study done about who is paying for all these microtransactions and 1% of players funds that vast majority of sales.

Conservative policies hard at work. 

The GOP have nothing but hate, , suffering and death to offer the world.

You’re disinvited to next years Sachs party.

The way CEO are contracted and paid, she could be gone next year and be set for life.

He fired the team that checks for these things.  But he does have a team of people scanning for anything insulting to himself and those get deleted and account bans quickly.