
Japan refuses to apologize for their atrocities in China, as well as the kidnapping and raping of Korean “comfort women” In fact they’re less than apologetic and often exclude these things from their school books. They actually held parades celebrating their soldiers for decades. Japan was no better than Hitler and

So let’s get past the mass war crime atrocities japan carried out but let’s be sensitive about dropping a bomb on Japan after they attacked US soil? That’s a seriously hot take to put it nicely.

At least choose a more believable grift, like Mars or the moon.

You must be a car dealer becasue this is complete BS. A dealer will not return your deposit if you back out. They’ll claim paperwork and ordering costs.

The same can be said about his burger shop at the Dream Mall in NJ.  What’s his excuse there? The burgers there are gross as well. 

The GOP are a confused bunch.

His Tequila dance is one of the greatest moments in movie history.

Twitter should just rename itself to Trumper. Don’t pay bills, spread hate and lies, and sue anyone who exposes the truth about you.

Republicans know they can’t win anything without cheating. Fake candidates, gerrymandering, election interference, anything to stay in power except serve the will of the people.

I remember than, he jumped feet first and kicked some young girl in the face. 

Not really, the only thing he drops that’s worth having is a cool mount armor.  But even then only if you care about cosmetics.

It sure feels like a very long time ago to me.  I also played Diablo and warcraft back in those days.

Insure for $500,000, have mysterious fire.  Profit.

Money laundering can easily use more low key things like art and wine.

Shut down woke aquariums and close off the woke beaches!! Not that you can go to the beach anymore because of the seaweed problems.

Let them delve deeper into their antivax insanity.

Sometime I wonder what is next for these white supremacists. Forcing schools to teach the benefits of slavery was something I never could even have imagined. Conservatives continue to astound me with lenghts they’ll go to spread their hate.

Shapiro and all the other right wing talking heads are paid to do these stupid things. They don’t talk about actual issues, their job is to create hate, anger and fear. They’re all paid by conservative “think tanks” to keep the dummies preoccupied with culture wars so they don’t care that they’re being robbed, losing

They’re a little busy right now conspiring about how Obama killed his chef.

Same pugs said the same thing about COVID.  These people never change.