
When you choose politics over reality.

More nonsense hearing from fake whistelblowers to waste more tax dollars and time.

They should be more worried about losing their insurance coverage. 

I’m sure she’s gone through every emotional possible and in the end... it is what it is. Which is probably her way of saying I accept this reality and there’s nothing i can do to change it.

Republicans only know how to point fingers, the party of personal responsibility never takes responsibility for anything.

My wife has a hydroponic kit. It’s a small table top thing that holds about 6 pods, not like this $700 thing in the article.  Those little pods grow fast, then she moves it to dirt.

I was wary before buying this game, then i was pleasantly surprised, now I’m pissed because they took my money and now they’re screwing it all up. No doubt this is the first of many idiotic decisions to come.  I can’t wait to see how they’re going to try to sneak in microtransactions beyond cosmetics.

Why are Republicans so obsessed with Hunter Bidens dick pics? 

Cops just showing everyone that they can do anything without consequences. The only time they MAY face consequences is if enough outrage is produces across the entire nation.

Melanie is always screwing someone to make a buck.

They’re leaving because of pure capitalism.  Corporations understand and see the damage climate change is having and they’re protecting their profits.  They see Florida as a lost cause. 

What did Obama have to do with any of this? Just flat out racist Republican terrorists egged on by the GOP.

I hope this doesn’t get popular, I remember when people were going bonkers with the pokemon thing and running in the streets.  With this people will be staring through their phone up to the sky.

Did this little girl even know what her mom handed her? Was the mother charged? What kind of psycho walks around with a bottle of acid??

Republicans are just pure evil

When white supremacists talk long enough they will eventually tell you who they believe is their true enemy.

Reporter: What will you do about Florida’s inflation which is double the nations, immigrant leaving and runaway insurance costs?

Executive overcompensation is flat out theft.  But like always, there’s two justice systems.

I’ve played Diablo since the very first game came out 1997, and I never enjoyed playing the sorcerer. Don’t know why I just never liked the mechanics of it I guess. D4 is no different, I made one, stuck to it to see if it gets better, but I am not enjoying it.

So what’s with all the price gouging going on at every dealer? I know several people who held off on buying a new car because the prices were being padded and forget about a used car, those prices are insane.