

Then he’s going to cry foul when the EU bans twitter for hate speech and Apple and Google is forced to remove the app from the app store because it clearly violates the policies against hate speech. 

So the giant story is dems are trying to hide something? Why doesn’t Tucker Carlson and Guiliani who both claimed to have the laptop release this information?

It’s pretty hilarious how yet another BOMBSHELL turns out to be more bullshit. The desperation from conservatives is sad and pathetic. Tucker Carlson claimed to have the laptop, Guiliani claimed to have the laptop and there was supposed be EXPLOSIVE damning evidence of.. whatever.. yet not one of them released it.

He’s actually not the worse, he’s just not being as subtle as most of the other conservatives. CPAC used a lesser known Nazi symbol as their stage and had a digital banner that said “we’re all domestic terrorists”

Holocaust denying, using the N word, quoting Hitler, supporting Nazis, supporting domestic terrorism are all ok, a swastika is not ok. Musk is just reactionary and is driven purely by his emotions.

Why is there always some idiot who says both sides are just as bad? One side are nazi supporters, the other side wants unions and universal healthcare. 

He might have to find a job and rent like a normal person.

It’s ok he’s a Republican.

That lame excuse that people can find where police are is so weak. The only thing cops are afraid of is everyone seeing their illegal acts and constant violation of our civil and constitutional rights.

Ageism, sexism, racism, Musk companies really has it all.

Who would take the meals instead of the cash prize??

He gets the influence because they know it’s from him, it’s just not public record.  You think Kavanaugh doesn’t know who gave him that 3 million dollars in dark money? There’s a reason the GOP keeps voting against donation transparency. 

Weird how bad things get when you don’t repair your infrastructure.  What next? Their power grid starts failing???

The worst kind of criminal is a smart one.  DeSantis is much more dangerous than Trump. 


He’s a conservative, it’s what they do.  Like how Tucker Carlson was smiling and nodding when his guest was saying they’re going to continue the violence against the LGBTQ community.  These people are promoting terrorism.

For Musk it’s all personal, he runs on emotions.  He talks about being a free speech absolutionist but is completely full of shit.  Jones probably made fun of Musk once and that’s why he won’t let him back on.

There is something seriously wrong when you have to take your car to a different car company to get repairs. 

I think like, Trump, he gets coked up and then start tweeting.