
He will die of old age before he faces consequences.

Space X works because Musk just hired the right people and he let them run the company.  Twitter is what happens when Musk himself tries to run things.

It most likely was a joke account but it’s funnier because it is a verified account

It’s wild how consumed with hate these racist nuts are. 

You do realize Musk is the one who said he thinks Twitter should have absolute free speech right?

It’s pretty stupid to sue people who were paid to do an ad for them. That’s like suing actors who did ads for chipotle because people got salmonella poisoning.

To be fair this is vitally important things for the idiots who voted for him.

This is dijon mustard levels of outrage!!!

I wonder how long they’ve been dating. 

It’s difficult to pay attention to things like that when you’re coked out of your mind.

Corporations had their highest profits in 70 years, it’s pretty damn obvious what is causing the runaway inflation.

I’m betting it’s one of his wacky one off contraptions.

All these companies, save Facebook, are still pulling in record profits.  They’re laying off people for no other reason than pure greed.

Why should the government intervene? Let the companies hurt by his stupid checkmarks sue him to oblivion. If he tries to file for bankruptcy then intervene.

Please look beyond the deep toned caricature she created of herself and all the lives she put in danger and all the money stolen

When you have money you look smart by hiring the right people to setup and run your companies. When you have money and try to make all the decisions on your own you expose yourself to the reality you don’t know shit, you just started out in life with a lot of money.

Amazon is consistently over valued. At one time it was valued over 2000% of it’s earnings.

It was obviously parody, it clearly said @katheygriffin.  Even people who stated clearly THIS IS PARODY was banned. 

To the GOP they are the enemy.

The only people who believed that nonsense were the same people who believe Biden is dead and Jim Carrey with a mask is impersonating him.  No I am not joking, MAGA nuts actually believe that.