
“But he supported Bernie!!!”

Maybe if everyone took the vaccine like they should have it would be under much more control than it is now.  Everyone took the smallpox and polio vaccine, that’s how those diseases were brought under control.

The first vaccine was developed in Germany. 

These nut jobs don’t need or want evidence, they shun it because they’re on the opposite side of reality.

Just stop using twitter, it’s that simple

Except reality isn’t on your side.


Did anyone expect anything less from these animals? Anything to distract from the rise of right wing terrorism.

Admittedly I’m far from a car expert, and aside from the two shiny metallic tail pipes, it looks like something from a junkyard.

Simpsons did it!

Uber is run by shit people, just use Lyft.

Elon’s plan is to increase hate speech.  Did no one hear his announcement that he is a conservative?

With exception to flip flops, it’s don’t be an asshole basically. These are things that no one should do in any store you go to.

Musk announces he is a conservative, proceeds to behave exactly like a conservative.

What sleuthing?  Musk literally announced he was cutting the staff by 75% then does what he always does, back track on it. 

Musk bought twitter and is using it to push crazy right wing conspiracies. 

I deleted my account already.  I only used it for contest entries anyway.

It’s all right wing distractions to avoid the fact the attacker is a MAGA terrorist. Conservatives are more deranged and dangerous than every. 

He really is a Republican, he won’t take responsibility for his own actions and has a persecution fetish.

The thing I remember most is how many Republicans voted against providing aid to NYC and soon after needed aid themselves and continue to need it.