
What a joke of a fine, Zucks suntan lotion bills is more than that.

Some things never change

There’s not a lock on the market that can keep out a professional thief.  Just like how all car locks don’t use keys anymore.

Why isn’t this guy in jail yet for his securities fraud?

Candace Owens got her hooks into Kanye and tricked him into giving her husband money for his failing pet project.

Keep voting Republican and soon we’ll be back to the 1800's. 

They easily could have avoided it. This is from their quarterly report

Now let’s charge large tech companies for breach of contract and mishandling client data.

Facebook charging you money to bring cameras and scanners into your home is just genius.

Don Jr put out a video in tears because his father complimented him, talking about how his father often “treats him like Hillary Clinton” So yea, loving your children seems to be a bad thing for conservatives.  Caring about anyone but yourself seems to be a bad thing to conservatives.

How does Feige keep up with all of this? He has his hands on every movie and tv show.

No way!!! A guy who wore a White Lives Matter shirt hates Jews too?? SHOCKING!!!

I’ll never understand how anyone ever thought Dilbert was funny.

Care about someone other than yourself? WOKE!!!

The only reason the NY state is blue is because of NYC.  Upstate NY there’s a lot of Trump supporters up there.  And just like most red areas, they’re freeloaders

I can’t imagine who would think this is viable.

I will be launching my new crypto Scape Goat next week, be sure to get in before it moons!

Took my Gopro 10 to Disney and the indoor shots were ruined by their stabilization. Without very bright lights the stabilization makes the video shake and blur which defeats the purpose. Remember to turn of stabilization completely shooting indoors or in the evening.

There’s a difference between being on the actual android OS and showing up on a Samsung Galaxy

Tradition, it’s all they have left.