
He clowned himself and is trying to find a way out to save face. 

Right wing nuts already attacking the thought of vaccinating against the Monkey Pox

Were you around the last 2 years? Conservatives are already attacking even the thought of a vaccine against the monkey virus.

Alienating and insulting the vast majority of his clientele is also a bad thing. Few conservatives buy EV’s

He’s gone full scumbag since his sexual assault came to light.  he just doesn’t give a fuck anymore.  He’s hating on the people who made his company and siding with the people who hate EV’s.  He just can’t hide who he really is anymore.

She should be ashamed of herself not proud.

Can’t have workers feeling comfortable, happy and productive. 

If interiors mean anything to you if you’re paying this much for a car then Tesla is dead last in my book. 

Now he’s innovative to conseratives? The same conservatives who hate EV’s and make fun of people who own them?  The same conservatives who use their giant inbred pickup trucks to block Tesla charging stations?

The opening felt very similar to the cartoon.

First the founders of Bonfire rugpulls and uses the money to start a new token called Ember, which also got rugpulled. Why they’re not in prison I don’t understand.

The price is only $3000 less than an Audi A5 Sportback.  There’s your answer.

He shit the bed with Star Wars, I have no idea what the hell he’s doing anymore.

Bring Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima to the PC. 

The shooter could have been stopped if the cops weren’t useless pieces of shit. They watched him go into the school and claimed he was wearing body armor so didn’t attempt to stop him. Then when more cops came they stood around outside the school for 40 minutes while the shooter murdered children.

Make no mistake this is ONLY in response to the move to unionize. 

It was just more of his pseudo-philosophical bullshit on how he doesn’t need money because he’s so enlightened.

The Republicans know how dangerous a group of gun toting nuts can be so they make sure the rules around them are different from the rules for everyone else.  Free wheeling guns everywhere except when a politician is around, then keep all guns away.

Waiting in a huge line to see the movie, we were all cheering when the movies started then 15 minutes in the film broke or something. We all had to leave and get passes to come back the next day.

I get that she’s fake with all her surgery and they’re pushing fake meat. But the message is coming across as, it’s it looks like meat but it’s shit underneath.