
Not even half the year and we’ve had over 200 mass shootings. Mass shooting defined as 4 or more people shot or killed.

Will the fact these are very young children finally force the GOP to stop blocking any attempts to stem mass shootings? I’m going to say no.

The original organizer Maureen Steele who stole at least 1.5 million dollars will organize something else and steal more money. And it will work because that’s how stupid these people are.

Maybe they made it in a few languages.

And they’ll block any attempt to stem future mass shootings. So we’ll hear more of their “thoughts and prayers” next week when there is another mass shooting.

I’m over 50, I got the small pox vaccine, it leaves a unique scar.  We all had that scar growing up.

It’s amazing how fast they start investigating someone when conservatives decide to go after them.  Fucking makes Democrats look like spineless jellyfish.  I’ll take that back when someone in congress actually gets charged with their involvement with Jan 6 or interfering with the election.

That’s part of the reason they buy them. They buy things to brag about how expensive they are, it doesn’t matter if they’re worth it or not. A that upper echelon of prices, value is complete relative.

It’s very bad when she lies about it and makes herself the victim then destroys his reputation and costs his 10's of millions of dollars in movie roles.

Right wingers always seeking special rights.

I’ve read several articles about people who are very happy retiring and living on cruise ships.  It’s obviously not for everyone but for many it’s great.  Same as people who buy an RV and travel around the country all year round, I actually know someone who did this and they’re very happy, he’s even a gamer who plays

I’d take this over ads of someone shooting guns and blowing things up

And almost every republican voted against a bill to address the shortage.  Let’s stop pretending Republicans are pro-life just because they call themselves that.

Monkey poop

Hard lesson learned.

We’re White Supremacists not orgy loving druggies!!

Not even remotely similar to the game video, it’s pretty obvious the game developer just wanted attention and it worked. 

I don’t even see anything unique in the sword of symphony video, the guy waved his hands around and some music notes flew around.  Dr. Strange is constantly waving his hands around and all sorts of things are flying around.

Are they posing as Americans who provide paperwork of their identity and home addresses that can be checked?  maybe it’s high time to start making it unprofitable to hire overseas workers.