
Uhhhhhhh....this isn’t really relevant and pretty sure not a normal thing.

One of my goals in life is to understand cousin charts and learn them by heart. I want to be able to determine quickly who the hell is my third cousin twice removed.

I’ve worked on airplanes for almost 15 years now. I’ve worked at the airlines — believe me people — BELIEVE ME — do not let your kid lay on that floor. Just don’t. I wish I had a picture of opened floorboards and carpet on these jets. The sheer amount of human hair and unknown sticky substance is quite horrifying. The

I’m so sorry about your cat <3 I fully intend to register for gifts for both of our fuzzy children (chihuahua and cat, both long haired) and I dare someone to judge me for it!

I’m forever grateful to my Mom for successfully vetoing my Dad’s insistence on naming me Schroeder. He really loved Peanuts.

I’m probably a horrible person, but not to animals. Especially cats. I’m filling out an online application for my local Humane Society now. Thanks for the inspiration.

I’m in San Diego. I currently have no pets - I’d love to foster a kitten (or kittens). Do you know if I’d need any sort of qualifications to foster?

Our neutering was paid for when we adopted our furbabies. We paid an adoption fee, but it was lots less then the operation would have cost in and of itself and the money goes to the shelter (PAWS in Seattle for the win!)

Your local kittens need you! Every spring cats start going in to heat and getting knocked up all over the place. Moms and kittens and orphaned kittens all need foster homes before they can be adopted. Unweaned orphaned kittens need people to bottle feed them until they’re six to eight weeks old. Nationally, 70% of

Congratulations! My girls didn’t mind the baby, because we did all the tricks to make them welcome him, but one of them resented ME for going away for three days. Which, thanks to my hormones, I took WAY too personally. Be prepared! It’s not your fault, and you will make up eventually.

Can they ship a couple states over, and how many can they ship at once?

I’m moving to California in less than two months! And I plan to foster snugglenuggets of alllll species once I do.

I live in the North Bay and one of my clients is a cat & dog shelter and there are a lot of kittens pretty early this year. More than usual so there may be some truth to this theory.

Someone step in in my place and do it for me, I’m sad that I can’t. :(

(although not sad that I don’t live in California.)

You can come live with me kittens! There's enough love to go around!

Does anyone else sees the irony in the name? Charl(es) and Diana united by Elizabeth and nothing else. Also, I feel bad for parents who have called their children Charlotte or Charlie in recent years.


Thirded. Not only that, but I hate it all. Y’alls look great and I’m happy for you, but I really hate it all.

One time in LA, I watched a dude order a double meat Seafood Sensation / Cheesesteak hybrid. He sheepishly looked at me and said “Surf and Turf”. Haven’t had Subway since.

My mom was so out of it when my dad died over the summer that she accidentally chose an urn shaped like a turtle for his ashes. My sister and I lost our shit laughing/crying when we received it and my mom just stared at it in horror. Dad would have gotten a kick out of it. Edited: sorry about your dog.