
I do not understand why “being in the greys” is even worth mentioning.

I saw it as a teenybopper (class trip) near the actual release - probably in 1968 when it was made.

My daughter just sent me an email saying “If one is among the 1st 100 customers at the new store at Tyson’s Saturday and Sunday you get lotsa free stuff!”.

My daughter just sent me an email saying “If one is among the 1st 100 customers at the new store at Tyson’s Saturday

For some reason, probably kpop/jpop, this chain has become my daughter’s Go-To-Retailer.

For some reason, probably kpop/jpop, this chain has become my daughter’s Go-To-Retailer.

We really like Chipotle and the closest store is, like, 2000 feet from our house.

No comp-time either?

How about this one:

“...With tape over the webcam, you wouldn’t even know if the audio was being recorded.”

We use a small postit note.

Just another sign that the Gee-Whiz Silicon Valley (or whereever) Darlings are showing their fate as many predicted. Apple, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft. The steam is running out.

“? We don’t have permanent Daylight Saving Time in Indiana.”

Those are really cool - How It’s Made had a lot of these snippets.

“Uhhhh source?...”

Move to Indiana (or somewhere near there).


A classic port scanner is Shields Up - it will see if any of your ports are visible from the outside -available to use free at’s site (note that a link direct to Shields Up is disallowed - have to go THROUGH GRC’s site: GRC and their Shields UP port scanner

“This wasn’t a run of the mill DDoS champ, a bit more complicated than what the script kiddies are capable of.”

Nevermind -I found a site that says he was a as a rich lawyer afterwards he started a foundation...

Why do I remember “Peter Martin”, one of the two original Westworld protagonists and the guy who lived, was a doctor in real life?