
“...I wouldn’t be happy if a service person were openly hostile to me but honestly, I’m not sure I’d report them even then...”

If a public-facing employee doesn’t understand the ongoing need to market the company even though the employee was trained when they were hired by the company in those marketing methods, then getting rid of the employee makes perfect sense.

“I don’t pretend to know the whole story here...”

Yeah, one of those “FBI ‘mistakes’” was the bogus Clinton Foundation stuff where all the Me-Too Media is “reporting” what each other Me-Too Media outlet is saying (*): “Clinton Foundation accepted a million dollars from Qatar without telling State Department while Clinton was Sec. of State!”, then hide the rather

Since the Republicans and their Me-Too Media supporters apparently have an agreement to issue lies, then take them back a day later with a fake apology (*), we can expect a couple blockbusters from them Sunday, Monday, and probably even Tuesday.

“...spelling with the ‘u’ is the only way to go.”

Excellent - so he’s back in business!

Just curious - if one OWNS a dumbbell set (I do) does one actually CHANGE the weight of the dumbbells with enough regularity that the (relatively VERY expensive) marketing move of having “instantly changeable weight” actually makes sense?

Does this mean that Gawker, too, will give it up with the outrage articles about this nonevent?

Do people actually adjust their weights for dumbbells?

“Quality list, except you forgot The Sound of Music.”

“But I bet you know all of the middle names of each Kardashian.”

“At Ghibli?”

And the animators themselves make $10,000/year.

“That soup spoon though...”

7500 light-years away.

“I’d give it a C cause too flashy for my tastes....”

In a different lifetime I was part of a team trying to create an all-weather takeoff/landing system that kept the pilot(s) in the loop. We tried radar, IR, Low-light TV, the whole nine yards - and tried to combine the imaging from all those sensors.


lol - I really have to wonder where this one came from - Auto Alliance?