
Hmmm...I wonder how many devices in my house have unset passwords - or passwords I never even knew they had - yet connect to the internet?

Now playing

“>>>this is exactly why im voting for Trump on Nov 28th!!! he will nuke em all<<<

“>..what kind of lizards did they have that they required a hell beast to keep them away?”

““or simply shop in one browser but finalize the purchase in another”

Ahem, that’s “nonprofessorial”...

“...the loaded gun buried in a mass of modeling clay buried inside of an old computer case shown above (which was in a checked bag, which is insane because they could have just packed the gun in the checked bag, unloaded, and it would have been fine)...”

NOW ya did it!

It changed from “humble” when social media became a thing and everyone lost their humility.

My wife does it, too - she’ll go to someplace like Ross or Tuesday-something-or-other, stores that sell a variety of household stuff, and invariably get 10+percent discounts (typically more) on things she buys simply by pointing out a blemish or noting the lack of a price tag or whatever.

“...Beef ... kidneys...”

“...pork brain...”

Organ meat is high in cholesterol...however, fairly recently The Ones Who Make Such Pronouncements have pronounced that dietary cholesterol isn’t very important to watch anymore.

“...pork neckbones...”

“So far, raccoons have not gotten into my mini-dumpster provided by the city...”

When growing up my Dear Ol’ Dad used to buy “giblets” at the commissary - really REALLY inexpensive at the time pretty much pure meat comprised of (chicken) hearts, livers, and gizzards. Dear Ol’ Ma would simmer them up with some onion and celery and I could not get enough of them (well, except for livers - I just

Script kiddies do DDoS attacks. A third-world country easily could do it.

“I’m calling out Russia...”

The problem with that “flying car” is it’s manually controlled - they should have sensors leveling it off automatically.


“I can only assume that the United States government has the ability to perform similar - and far more devastating - attacks against aggressors across the globe...”