
What I want is...:

“...The price works out to 1 1/2 pounds of Kerrygold for the same price as the local groceries charge for one pound...”

The (surgical) masks in the images are for show - the workers don’t at ALL look like they normally wear them, especially the one with it half-off.

Legal dumb voters are legal voters. Purposefully misleading them - especially by a politician - is a crime.

Here ya are...and not 5000 years ago:

Well, not to get into this conversation TOO much but what =I= wear is cutoffs - mid-thigh cut-offs. Cut-offs made from whatever pants have moved passed their prime.

Well, not to get into this conversation TOO much but what =I= wear is cutoffs - mid-thigh cut-offs. Cut-offs made

Wrong question - the REAL question should be:

“They turned the Hipster knob as far as it would go....”

“They turned the Hipster knob as far as it would go....”

For sure, however our experience with HD video streams shows no noticeable effect. We admittedly do very little upload/download other than said streams so don’t mind that fact.

For sure, however our experience with HD video streams shows no noticeable effect. We admittedly do very little

I use a range extender (nee repeater) to compensate for an L-shaped house where outside walls are covered in sheathing that has one side of aluminum foil; by placing the device appropriately I can get strong signal to the part of the house where the original signal would have to go through TWO such walls.

I use a range extender (nee repeater) to compensate for an L-shaped house where outside walls are covered in

And not one male complained.

You came SO close to the “correct” answer - put them in in your salad.

“...Never seen a cicada killer...”

Cicada Killers and male Carpenter Bees here in Northern Virginia are the same way - buzz RIGHT next to your head but never follow through. It took me awhile to get used to them but now it’s just ”meh”.

“I do not understand why you are signing your ballots...???”

For those of us “kids” who had to put their Dear Ol’ Parent in a nursing home, your words ring totally true - though 4 years post-admission would be an amazingly sadder thing to witness:

“...If it’s internally-known and oft-broken, surely there are hundreds of thousands more examples out there, right?”

It’s on the right of that linked page. Red area.

A former colleague of mine from India (and the “from India” part is undoubtedly relevant) used to bargain for essentially everything he bought; he was very successful at it, getting reductions in asking price right across-the-board. There was no embarrassment in what he did - he simply did it as part of his being.