
“...about a fictional problem with Apple.”

They oughta fly it over a nighttime Trump rally as people are leaving.

I was expecting an essay on Disneyworld with the Tree of Life subarticle.

The “quick fix” is not “assistive touch” but the compensation for an internally-known oft-broken hardware sensor by using a different feature of the iPhone.

“...Still, having it enabled automatically when the home sensor fails—remember, the iPhone 7 no longer has a real button, just a sensor that looks like a button—is a new trick...”

Young Joe Biden:

Some articles say she was going to donate “the settlement” =after= expenses - so taxes, lawyers, clothes for court, special Mercedes to drive to court, etc etc all get deducted before the donation (latter two are a “joke” but you can see how “expenses” is a rather large loophole). Then she has 5 years of deductions to

“...It was already taxed in previous years and the couple simply divided up the assets...”

That might actually be Depp’s plan - bring Heard’s actual motives out in the open.

The “donation” is after expenses. I don’t know the actual settlement, do you? She gets to deduct expenses BEFORE donating. I think we can all figure out ways THAT particular loophole can be played...unless Depp goes around it by donating direct, huh?

Unless the divorce settlement wording allows it.

“...if you close your eyes the expensive one sounds a lil bit smoother, slightly...”

“That’s why they created modern versions of FORTRAN...”

How about one of those unlocked “Blu” phones - $60-ish at Amazon?

I want Firefox to properly block autoplay of videos of all formats - I’m talking something that works better than “media.autoplay.enabled” that breaks video-playing.

“Drop that bastard at an angle and tell me how many survivals you get.”

Almost all major airports - and I’d bet for sure all major airports in Big Sky Thunderstorm Territory - have “microburst detection” all around the airport to sense exactly the effect being seen in the video.

Though sped up the wind generated by the downburst is still opposite of the general wind direction showing why planes can fall out of the sky during critical flight times like takeoffs/landings...nothing like a tailwind causing your apparent forward velocity to drop to zero!

Can you imagine any Jerry Falwell (RIP) equivalent saying “This is against religion. Stop doing it” and anyone but the most devote Falwell-follower doing it?

“...I was surprised to learn that FORTRAN is still around. A lot of scientists I guess use whatever language they learned in the 70's or what their professor from the 60's/70's taught the...”