
“...Now a new study in Nature has found that your taste in music could also be due to the makeup of the songs predominant in your culture...”


I was SO disappointed in the unexpected-at-the-time Fake 3D of Alice in Wonderland (though I actually really liked the movie!) that I vowed right then never to see another Fake 3D movie in Fake 3D. Within a very short period of time I simply stopped going to the movies entirely because I couldn’t justify the cost (of

Ghostbusters is post-production 3D, aka Fake 3D (like, say, Alice in Wonderland). Real 3D uses two cameras recording the scene; Fake 3D uses post-production techniques to separate out important objects and “repaint” them on the background - the effect is like flat cutouts in front of the background (with CGI objects

“Here is what I don’t understand about Ghostbusters...”

Everytime I go to Costco and see their Dyson fans, I tell my spouse (who has heard it TOO many times) “I could buy 20 regular fans for the price of that one fan - think they would work better?”

Not knowing what I read, I thought “page 6 reporter” meant a reporter of such low value they are they are relegated to the back pages of some rag.

“Isn’t it a shame that kids these days will never know the acoustical joy of a high-speed dot matrix printer”

I was ALMOST a rocket scientist during the 80s. We played with a FLIR while trying to figure out how to land an airplane in zero-visibility conditions. We played with it on a university campus. A university campus with hundreds of coeds walking around.

Considering buying a cheap unlocked smartphone just to sit in a drawer waiting for my daughter’s smartphone, just fixed, to die again...

Maybe it was holding out a red cup.

At the time I believe there were mutliple perps suspected, not just another crazy loner.

Source code is not on the final systems at all - just binary. So offline storage/machines could hold the source, comments and all.

She looks like one of the (I think) two females in an early CMSC course I took - circa 1971. Not at MIT though...

Good grief, are we now supposed to look at POLITICS to determine if someone should be buried somewhere? Can you imagine what the roaring 50s under McCarthy’s stare would have resulted in? The rules about burial at Arlington are clear and were clear when this bozo became eligible.

I clicked on the article because it had a more interesting title than 99% of Gawker titles, not because it told me not to click on it.

More importantly, and as noted above somewhere, it appears that none of this “classified” information came from classified documents that had been cleaned, THEN sent to Clinton by underlings since none of the underlings are going to be charged either.

“...the first thing I do is a low speed test in the neighborhood to make sure everything is functional before heading out for longer drives”

“...At least not without someone there to make sure everything is done properly.”

Within a very short period of time I (1) flushed/changed transmission fluid of our van, (2) changed oil and filter, (3) replaced front brake pads, (4) replaced front disk rotors, (5) changed out a broken engine mount of our second car and, within a day or two of right now, will be (6) replacing rear disk pads and rear