
You need to buy a torque wrench that can get up to, say, 125 foot-lbs of torque. The lug nuts are typically 85-ish but some of the bolts of the caliper assembly can be tightened at 120+; tightening that hard in the small working space without a lever arm is...interesting.

“...Also worth mentioning that some older cars may require bleeding of the brake system following the compression of the calibers”

“ those days, you had to know how the hardware and the code worked to even use a computer, unlike now...

“...It also gives us bragging rights: “I used to walk to school 2 miles through a foot of snow, uphill, both ways.“

“...Star Trek...”

Collator, man, collator! Create those cards “marked” in the far right columns, stick them in the collator post-spill, and...voila!...autosort!

“Submits deck of cards...”

“Do you remember how to toggle in the bootloader?”

“...You can use the Raspberry Pi to do pretty much anything a low-powered computer can...”

I once plugged an S-100 board into a motherboard, powered it up, and was shocked by the two loud BANGs that came off it as a couple incorrectly soldered in capacitors blew up - shrapnel all over the place. Wrote a quick (snailmail) note to the company and got a (snailmail) reply from the CEO saying “Oopsie! Sorry!”

I bought the jack stands (and ramps, for that matter) at the local Walmart a couple miles from my house (bought the jack from Amazon, however), however Amazon has the same ramps and (minimally) very similar jack stands:

I just started all this. First I changed transmission fluid (twice - essentially a flush); that required a couple ramps (or jack stands) and a couple wheel blocks and a big “oil pan” to drop the draining fluid into and a whole bunch of used milk/etc containers to store the fluid and a dinky funnel that fit the trans

So, okay - I have a couple jack stands and a nice hydraulic jack. I want to jack up both front wheels, insert said jack stands, jack up rear wheels one at a time, and do a standard tire rotation. The procedure seems trivial but I have zero clue where to place the jack to jack up the front wheels when I ALSO have to

Zero is so boring.

Stepper motor driver with 2n2222A transistors with no stops to a limited-freedom of motion motor - I wonder if the simulation would note some sort of current overload.

Lol! I once hooked up a rather expensive early-version research robot arm to “try it out” and rapidly proceeded to “smoke test” small driver transistors because there were no built-in limit switches to the joint movement - hit end of travel, overload, poof! Soldered in some replacements, tried again - poof! Soldered

“If you love your job, you never work a day in your life...”