Chris Ferejohn

Anywhere I can actually get to a charger at night is far more dangerous than a gas station...

I mean I feel like the only people left are people who are willing to do whatever thing popped into Elon’s head that morning. Anyone who pushed back for long-term benefit to the company (or heaven forbid the world) has been fired.

User name checks out :P

OK but an iPhone 15 is a top of the line phone. You have many other options of other brands, or even used and refurbished iPhones. I just don’t think this comparison holds water.

I feel like that makes it all the more important to normalize it and not effectively say “pro-drag and anti-drag are equally valid opinions and we’re going to stay safe by attempting to take no position whatsoever” (which is of course a position in and of itself).

That feels generous to me. Like I don’t think the solution to transphobia and trans-hate is to try to not remind people that trans people exist, in fact I think that makes it worse.

Yeah his response seems really cowardly and both-sides-y. “We don’t want to offend transphobes” is just a shitty reason to change something. Even leaving aside that wearing a fairly androgynous outfit that happened to have been previously worn by a female actor is hardly a daring statement. It just seems like it’s

Yeah, I was like “either that’s a typo or I do not understand where this article is going.”

I mean they did give at least *a* definition of a “view”: Total stream time divided by run time. So if you watch half the movie that’s 50% of a “view”. Point being that defining what exactly a view is and what that means in terms of residuals is a solvable problem and in a world where the studios are negotiating in

Sure, that’s a legit complaint, but the article specifically complained about needing to watch season 1 to understand season 2, which seems like an odd one.

Yeah, that was a weird complaint. Now if you feel like you need to watch 6 movies in order to understand what’s going on in a 7th movie, that seems more like a problem, but I think Marvel felt like they pulled it off in The Avengers and Endgame/Infinity War and they assumed folks would just continue to be up for that

Well yeah no single weather event is a climate emergency or evidence thereof. The undeniable pattern of unusual and extreme weather over years and years of time is.

Yeah there was some animated movie where they are all kind of meeting each other and batman doesn’t really trust “the alien” but he comes to realize they need him to fight Darksied. So they are kind of at odds if not straight up enemies, and that seemed like it worked.

Eh, I think the public are interested in well written/made action/superhero movies still, and majority of the DC movies have...not been that. I don’t think it’s impossible that Gunn could have a solid run of hits, and if they can accept that they probably aren’t going to get the perfect storm that was Endgame/Infinity

I haven’t watched any of the Futurama reboot, but doing a “cancel culture” episode doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence...

I feel like how that show usually goes is “it turns out to be a parasite that infects people and threatens to wipe out humankind”.

The most remarkable line of this story is “Bore contacted archeologists”

Michael Caine had my favorite quote about it. When asked about Jaws IV which he was in he said: “I’ve never seen it. By all accounts it is terrible. But I have seen the house it bought, and that is excellent.”

Oh I had thought that the person who contacted police was a different person that these guys quickly pawned the cards off to, but maybe I’m misunderstanding.