Chris Ferejohn

Ready Player One was pretty garbage, but I don’t see how the theme was “corporations are benevolent overlords” since the corporation and the people who worked for it were soulless monsters.

I feel like we’re watching different trailers. This seems to absolutely nail it to me. It’s worth remembering, a la The Last of Us, this is not primarily for fans of the video game. The darkly comic post apocalyptic vibe is I guess trite in fallout, but it’s absolutely the way you want to represent it to a whole new

The idea that faithfulness to the details of the video game details is in any way tied to the quality or success of this show is ridiculous.

Is your belief that Trump would *stop* doing that? Because, umm, he wouldn’t.

And as always it takes away from language that really *does* work to dehumanize actual vulnerable minority groups. Nobody is demonizing people with food allergies.

The first Wonder Woman *almost* subverted that, and then gave up about 20 minutes from the end and went “ok fine we’ll end with a big, stupid, pointless, weightless CGI fight”.

I wish they’d make a new Blake’s 7 series. I mean I say that but it would probably suck.

So the only actual useful use I’ve heard “AI” being put to is by a teacher friend who feeds it all of the requirements and rules for creating a semester or year long lesson plan and has it spit out suggestions, which she uses as a first draft and finds very useful - basically she has really strict control over what is

If a company treats their members well then they should have no issue with the employees forming a union to ensure they continue to treat employees well and to allow employees to negotiate an issues that do come up on equal footing. Who is being extorted?

I mean if nothing else, they won’t cast a 76 year old in a role that’s expected to span probably 5+ years. 

Yeah it feels like once in a while we get a movie that is lightly (or not at all) tied into a larger narrative and everyone is often like “ah how refreshing” - the first Guardians, Ant Man, and on the DC side Shazam and the first Wonder Woman, etc.

I mean I’d feel so grateful if this was the peak, but I’m afraid this is just a minor amusement on the continued ascent up mount shit.

Also everything up to Endgame was really clearly leading to endgame. Thanos being a universe-wide threat really loomed over the entire franchise. They are trying to do that with Kang, but the fact that he was introduced in a Disney+ series (a good one, but still) and has been the main baddie of a tepidly received

Sure, but “all the people” review bombing it are a statistically insignificant number of people from a box office perspective. They are just loud douchebags with virtual microphones. It is unclear they actually drive much of the narrative.

Umm, that article states explicitly that “cavalry charging tanks” was Nazi propaganda: “The incident prompted false reports of Polish cavalry attacking German tanks, after journalists saw the bodies of horses and cavalrymen. Nazi propaganda[3] took advantage to suggest that the Poles attacked intentionally since they

I mean it kind of *was* fantasy Guardians of the Galaxy but I don’t think that’s entirely a bad thing.

I mean I’d like to think so, but I’m not terribly optimistic due to the entire history of humankind.

Same reason why executives absolutely *must* make tens of millions of dollars I guess.

I’d seen one of these on the street (going the other way so a brief look) recently, and it looked pretty dumb, but Saturday I saw one parked, and it looked *hilariously* dumb. It’s like a prop for a Road Warrior knockoff movie. It’s *so* huge an ungainly. It’s difficult to imagine being enough of a cock to want one of

But it’s not formulated like that. It’s formulated that *that’s how Lucille thinks of them*, because of course she does.