Chris Ferejohn

This is a pretty common piece of cognitive dissonance in GOP messaging in general (though Trump of course gives it his own shitty spin): The government is somehow both bumblingly incompetent and can’t find it’s ass with both hands *and* an incredibly complex and sophisticated conspiracy directed by Jews/Lizard

Not just that they are good at business, but they are *so* good at business as to deserve a 7-digit salary.

If he’d said “I understand them, but they are the ones refusing to come to the table and negotiate in good faith”, then sure, but I don’t know how to read his comments as anything than “people are both sides are being unreasonable”, which the AVC disagrees with (as do I).

OK but just because an issue has two sides doesn’t mean those sides are equal or equivalent or that people opining about them need to hold equal space for them. The people writing about this on this site clearly feel that the AMPTP is clearly morally in the wrong. I’m not sure why you would expect them to espouse or

I love Julianne Moore, but it’s hard to imagine anyone other than McCarthy in Can You Ever Forgive me. I really hope she finds her way into more dramatic roles because she was great in that.

Yeah this did feel like it went out of its way to not mention that an AU is the distance from earth to the sun.

Man I’m having an out of touch old man moment. I have literally never heard of this show and it sounds like it’s half of MTVs programming hours.

Love this. Seems like a real opportunity for smaller production houses that aren’t owned by massive pricks to steal a march on the big guys. Not that AMC is a mom and pop operation, but they’re not WB/Disney.

Yeah, people remember that first one way more fondly than it deserves. It’s one of those movies a 13-15 year old might go “omg this is amazing!” and then when going back and watching it as an adult see all the shortcomings.

Yeah, see also how Medusa’s hair in the short lived Inhumans show looked terrible (not exactly the same sort of effect, but similar in that it’s not a hard effect to draw/animate, but really hard to make look “real” with CGI).

I’m not sure that “more realistic” is in fact “a step in the right direction”. It seems like its more “a step towards the uncanny valley”.

Yes all fun and games until “Hey robot terminate that person/village”.

Sorry can’t hear you I’m busy trying to operate this toaster under water.

I mean it’s also like: Red Notice cost more than Barbie, which means that the problem isn’t the budget, it’s this weirdly cookie cutter, formulaic approach to producing these huge budget streaming movies. Like those kinds of formula movies used to be lowish budget, direct to video stuff starring Lorenzo Lamas or Mario

It’s probably because I saw when I was pretty young, but I have a soft spot for Battle Beyond the Stars. I remember crying when George Peppard knows he’s going to crash and die and he pulls out his harmonica and starts playing.

I mean he can have ADHD *and* be a shitheel.

Well at least it’s not absurdly easy for him to get a gun capable of killing dozens of people in seconds.

See that’s exactly what I (and many others) were saying in 2016, so while I really *want* that to be true, we have at least one example where a pretty sizable margin of the rank and file GOP just held their nose and voted for him. 

Well I think I was more like “why is he trying to pretend to be Japanese and doing an absolutely shit job of it?” I think by the time I saw this I was aware of blackface and the, you know, not ok-ness of it, so it wasn’t hard to draw a line to “hmm, this probably isn’t ok either.” But I for sure noticed that mostly he

I had thought there were fairly good studies that dietary cholesterol has a minimal effect on your blood cholesterol. I’m not going to act like I’m any kind of expert, but I kind of remember that’s kind of what the understanding is. I have high cholesterol and my doctor has never suggested limiting eggs - more make