Chris Ferejohn

That’s the thing that always blows my mind - that anyone can talk themselves into believing that Trump does anything for anyone other than himself. Like I get (even if I think it is dumb/craven/evil) thinking “things used to be better” or “diversity just means giving unqualified people opportunities” (again,

Yeah I remember watching that as like a 10-12 year old kid and thinking “well that seems kinda fucked up”

I know lots of people who love it, but they will also admit it’s a mess. It’s certainly not boring.

Replacing a director with AI (or at least the technical parts of what a director does) seems a lot easier than replacing writers frankly. Like how to frame shots, get coverage, light scenes, etc are prescriptive things with tons of documentation that AI could handle. It might not be *inspired* directing, but for stuff

That is absolutely *not* what the unions have asked us to do to support them. There are no “picket lines” (real or virtual) in front of movie theatres. 

Like how 10 years ago everyone was saying in 10 years we’d all have self-driving cars? Yeah, AI isn’t a magic pill. 

Perhaps you remember what the fuck that that guy looked like, but I’m sure many people with more than “3 brain cells” have absolutely no idea.

Yeah Independence Day was great. I gotta agree on Twister though. I didn’t care about a single thing that was happening on the screen. 

Lol. Calling Amazon “brave” for picking up a TV show based on a hugely popular and fondly remembered movie is...a take I guess? Good to know that you’ve never been disappointed by anything ever in your life though.

Oh yeah. Didn’t mean to imply it wasn’t stupid and a way overbroad generalization. 

I mean even if she’s a legal adult *now* he was certainly indulging in behavior that I certainly hope is illegal not too long ago.

Whatever the issues with US Agent basically getting away with murdering someone, I don’t think we’re left with the impression he’s going to go on lopping off heads.

That is an amazing photo of Musk. He looks like a child pretending to be a cartoon villain. 

I think it’s referencing Johnny Cash pretty explicitly. Maybe Willie Nelson as well.

I have a friend whose hair/beard grow the exact same way. His hair is, if anything, blonder, and his beard is bright red (well with some gray in it now, but we’re 50).

I am in no way tempted to buy such a thing *but* I’m pretty tickled they had the “you’re eating maggots Michael” takeout box (along with normal rice/noodles to switch to).


Many people *absolutely* don’t know that what they are working on is going to turn out crap. These games have hundreds of developers and many of them will have no concept of how the game looks from a big picture standpoint.

I promise you that many many people were executing amazingly well to make that turd of a game. They are given an impossible task driven by shareholders and C-suite executives. The idea that people are being “lazy” and that’s what leads to Redfall is just woefully misbegotten. That terrible game had people working

Yeah “how dare the wife of the man I’m having an affair with be mad at me” is an odd take.