Chris Ferejohn

I’ll also say credit to the union for not dogpiling him but (I assume) talking with him in private and helping him craft a public statement and action that allowed him to save some amount of face and keep the union looking strong.

Not nice to make fun of a skin condition.

It was a fairly large amount of unopened product. It was from Commander Masters, and Masters sets generally sell at a significantly higher pricepoint than normal ones (like in the $8-10 / pack range as opposed to $3-4).

I get innundated with the trailer every time I watch something on youtube, so advertising is going out on some media anyway.

Lol the quality of the film was absolutely one of them, and in fact the most important one. It had a decent opening weekend but then fell off a cliff as word of mouth got out that it was, at best, meh.

I had thought that “3x production budget” thing was basically bullshit that studios trotted out in their bookkeeping to avoid paying residuals. I am no expert and I might be wrong but the idea that the marketing budget scales linearly with the production budget sounds like nonsense on the face of it. Once you get to

Indeed I imagine the venn diagram is pretty close to a circle.

I mean you could replace “influencers” with “Crypto/NFT” people and it would be just as true...

“Hate crime” laws do not criminalize hate. This is a bullshit semantic argument about the name of a law. And you accuse others of being toddlers.

I did the jelly belly factory tour once and they said buttered popcorn was their most popular flavor. I think it was because people either bought assorted jellybeans, or they would just buy bags of just that because it’s particular weirdness appealed to them.

This is extremely well stated. I will say that the exception, and the only thing I’ll actually miss other than nostalgia, were their christmas beers, which were always interesting.

I think it’s a thing where it will just confirm people’s feelings about both Newsom and DeSantis. Yeah, I’m sure *I* will see it as Newsom destroying him, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a post debate poll just finds that who people think “won” is entirely based on who they supported going in.

1 cup

That sounds like the Droopy Dog horror movie.

Feel like I dodged a bullet that the one time we ordered from there (at my 10-year-old son’s request) they merely got the order wrong and sent us barely warm burgers.

I mean there is some amount of money for which I would sign up to work for Elon Musk, so I have a hard time judging her for that alone.

Yeah. Chappelle seems a dick (not only from his inability to let go of his trans-bashing, but also what I’ve heard from people I know who work at clubs where he’s performed), but Killing them Softly is a masterful stand up special.

I think the “vast majority” is a massive overstatement. I don’t think the vast majority of the playerbase gets to level 100 and tier 40 nightmare dungeons. Now those are the super engaged players and ticking them off is going to result in, well, this, but I think the “vast majority” of players barely notice these

Cowards with laughably easy access to assault rifles can still shoot someone. Yes the vast majority of these dipshits aren’t going to do a damned thing, but it only takes one. Not to say we should all go hide under our blankets, but I’m not sure “come at me bro” is the wisest response either.

I just don’t get how resetting the same dungeon over and over again is “fun”. Like I know it’s somewhat ridiculous to claim “my immersion” in Diablo with it’s combination of a story line in which you are the sole hero who saved the world combined with the ability to see and team up with a bunch of other “sole heros