Chris Ferejohn

I mean he created the only moment in any Star Wars movie that has ever made me cry, so I’m going to say he nailed the last stand of Luke Skywalker as far as I’m concerned. 

I’m pretty sure they did - he was a legendary stage performer and he did star in one of the greatest movies ever made (or at least a movie that is regarded as such).

Jesus the “we are owed nudity” tone of this piece is squicky. I mean, fair’s fair I clicked on the damned thing.

Cocaine Bear? :P

Yeah feels like panning My Blue Heaven for not being an accurate depiction of Harold Hill’s post Witness Protection life.

Huh? “Beyond reasonable” means that their demands were *extremely* reasonable. As in “I’ve been more than fair”.

OK I’ll bite. As a father of a nearly-11 year old what happens in Roblox? He’s kind of past it now, but I would spend time watching him mess around with it over his shoulder and watching YouTuber’s play it. It seemed a bit...dull to me but also fairly anodyne. Just a bunch of “beat these things to get this resource so

So like your mom then.

I don’t understand this. Crushing and chopping 3-4 cloves of garlic takes 30 seconds. If I was doing it on restaurant scale, sure the automation would be nice, but compared to almost any other vegetable garlic seems pretty trivial.

I’m not sure how it works at Jezebel, but in many publications authors are not responsible for their headlines. I agree the headline is in poor taste, but the article itself seems more or less to agree with you.

Great. Then these companies should be paying for massive infrastructure upgrades for SF and paying penalties when their testing causes problems to actual people in their testing ground. It doesn’t sound like any of that is happening.

Indeed. To the point where I am deeply skeptical that he did it - or at least that he thought of it.

Orson Welles has entered the chat.

How do you know there’s no cannibalism, delightful or otherwise?

I bet they are just chomping at the bit to do so though.

I can only assume you are taking the piss. That’s like asking “if someone dies in a car accident while wearing a seat belt does that refute the entire idea that seat belts make cars safer?”

Cameron was old money. Bueller was certainly not poor and him grifting his way to wealth certainly feels in character.

Ah yes, surely she will ride an article that will be read almost entirely by people on the left that calls her a “flaming, gun-loving racist” to the vice presidency. What a weird take.

Not sure of the name, but found a photo:

I completely misinterpreted the headline at first because I just assumed the Supreme Court would be on the face-palmingly wrong side of this, but relieved they at least rejected “girls are little porcelain dolls” argument.