Chris Ferejohn

Yes but people are dying at much lower rates. That’s like arguing that seatbelts haven’t make a difference because people still die in car accidents.

I mean that’s nice if you can pull it off. Literally not an option for me (and vast numbers of people).

Seconded. I kind of bounced of Critical Role just because of the sheer length and also that they are all like multi-year campaigns. Dimension 20s relatively short campaigns (several of which are up for free on YouTube) are great, and they all do such a great job with characterization.

But Dany’s targets had always been the people in charge. She had consistently been murderous to oppressive and slaveholding elites, but we’d never really seen any indication she’d want to murder an entire town.

It *certainly* seems wild to expect that the people refusing to come to the table are thinking that far in advance - they want their big bonuses now. If the company goes belly up in 50 years (or even 20 years), I’d be surprised if most of them care.

Well, yeah, it’s in their rights - nobody is arguing otherwise. It is also in the rights of the people who’s massive amounts of volunteer labor that has provided the content that has made the site successful to decide they aren’t going to do that any more.

OK OK “Swiss and Wesson” is pretty good.

I mean I expect what’s going on is that articles about the hot new game that talk about some ostensibly cool or funny thing in that game get more clicks/views than articles about how Kotic is a garbage human being.

If you are curious:

Yes, but surely that’s the excerption.

Yeah, but a lot of that was because Chris Evans was just so good at that part. I like Mackie as well, but we’ll see if it will have that same feel.

I feel like hummus’s taste changes pretty quickly in the first couple days after it is made. Not that it goes bad super fast, but the difference between fresh and a few days old is noticeable (also I think the store bought stuff probably has more acid to keep it good longer.

I mean yes, but also SAG’s own press release/tweet is calling it solidarity, so while it might not have gone through solely for that reason surely that is a reason for the massive approval of the authorization.

Which is maddening since like 2 of the top 10 (or whatever) grossing movies of all time have Sigorney Weaver in a smallish role as their biggest star and their lead is a literal piece of driftwood with googly eyes pasted on.

Gosling does seem like he’s a bit too I guess manly? Like the character in question is meant to be a high school teacher and scientist among military people (when he’s around people). Like knocked up era Seth Rogan could be a good choice or even like Chris Pratt pre-Starlord (and pre Starlord workout program).

It is absolutely happening. You know what isn’t happening? Mutilating children.

I have never kept or heard of anyone keeping a box for a gaming console (or anything else) for longer than “the next time I take out the recycling.” This feels like reading about aliens to me.

What are you talking about? I’ve never had any problem with movers and TVs. They move them in probably every single move and have a pretty well established system for dealing with them.

You can want him to have consequences for his actions without making prison rape jokes.

Not too late for you to get some t-shirts made.