Chris Ferejohn

Agree - understanding what exactly the spike object could do and how it worked was definitely the long straw for me.

Yeah I remember that one stumping me for a while. I finally figured out how to make the catapult and even then I wasn’t sure I was doing it “right”.

Yeah same here. I have tons of everything and 1500-odd Rupees that I don’t have anything to do with currently just from like walking around.

Eh, it’s also because a ton of games that are like “go to glowing spot on map to fetch/fight the thing there” make the text basically meaningless flavor and TotK actually requires you to read it sometimes. I’ve found myself starting to click through stuff by habit as well.

Yeah, that was my thought once I got what was going on “oh cool baseball!”, though I can see the pinball aspect as well.

Once you understand what you are supposed to do the “precision” is beyond trivial. Any given combat requires more precision.

Calling someone a liar for expressing an opinion is a pet peeve of mine, so right back atcha.

Yeah, home schooling is a really weird mix of the most backwards thinking cult-indoctrinated monsters and very intelligent people frustrated with the state of education wherever they are trying to do the best for their kids (often as with you because of specific challenges the kids have that local schools may not be

Sorry you are being the dick here. He was merely saying that the loss of older content didn’t impact him much if at all. I imagine many (myself included) are in the same boat. You are the one trying to get him to admit that he’s lying(?) and I guess actually cares deeply and is just here to make shit up? Like your

We have it on am LG TV. We got that message, but we could nav to “Settings” which immediately opened the prompt to download the new MAX app, which worked fine (I stayed logged in, it still remembered what we’d been watching, etc).

I mean “the money”, such as it exists, is to keep publishing articles that have headlines people might want to click on, and “lol this thing sucks” probably tests pretty well in that regard.

On my LG TV it was super confusing, and still: Why? HBO has a fair amount of brand equity and now I just think of “Cinemax”, which was basically “HBO for soft-core porn”.

Deep cut.

Oh no not again.

As someone who plays and buys board games regularly: I absolutely do not give a shit about this. Most creators are good about disclosing that this is a paid video, but more to the point, if I’m watching one of these videos it’s because I want to see how the game works. I care very little about the opinion of the

I’ll do you one better: Why is reality?

Obviously he’s a racist shitbag, but also I’m not sure why his PR campaign centers on “proving” he isn’t racist since I don’t see how that very much changes that he strangled a young man to death. Unless the article is missing something he’s not going to somehow get off more lightly if he can get people to believe

They are? I have like 1300 of them just lying around doing nothing and I haven’t really been trying to grind or make money. 

I only watched the first season of Riverdale, but I remember commenting early on that if there was any chance at all that 2 people would kiss in a scene, they would *definitely* kiss in that scene, and it started being almost comically true by the end of that season.

Huh, I had no idea of the etymology of “bugger” for “sodomy”. I am surprised, but by no means shocked, that it comes from the Catholic church behaving atrociously.