Chris Ferejohn

It’s like a really boring episode of Black Mirror.

Wait, you do? I’m well past the tutorial area (just took down the first of the 4 major objectives), and I’ve never seen something called a “Flux Construct”.

I mean it wasn’t *just* that Harrelson was white, it was that he was putting on this affectation of a bumpkin who was hot shit in high school and just showed up in town yesterday. I haven’t seen WMCJ in a while, but in the actual dialog of the movie, he’s not getting underestimated just because he is white, but

Lol looks at all of Scandinavia and much of Western Europe “not working”. 

I have to agree with them about infrastructure. I live in Mountain View (e.g. home of Google), and if I had an EV I would have no where to plug it in (including home as I live in a condo).

I’m an extroverted person with ADD and people giving me the cold shoulder when I’m trying to be friendly is draining and distracting. 

I mean have you ever considered that people who work together might sometimes become friends? Obviously “so people can make friends” is not a reason to force people into work, but shitting on people who legitimately enjoy working in person with other people just makes you look like an ass.

“Well, he wanted to go to bed with me because he said that the character had to have an orgasm in the movie and he needed to see what my orgasms were like, but he said it in French and I pretended I didn’t understand,” Fonda told host Andy Cohen.”

If you played Breath of the Wild on the same Switch (or maybe just same account?) your horse(s) from BotW will be waiting for you at the stables. I tracked down and tamed a new horse before realizing that.

I’m kind of sad how they solved that puzzle with the target because the real solution is basically “playing baseball” and it’s pretty fun.


Yeah I liked some of the stuff in the Dream seasons, but they didn’t really have enough to support an entire season each. Like if it had been a season of jumping genres every 2-3 episodes while Archer slowly started to realize something weird was going on that may have worked better.

Pretty sure she was just called a witch. :P

I mean it would be weird not to.

I mean we can say with pretty good confidence that they are not the ‘direct descendants’ genetically speaking. That’s not to say that they may not have more knowledge and cultural ties to the story, but ‘direct descendants’ is just inaccurate.

Ugh, that fucking stage direction is just...ugh. I wonder at what point actually shooting it that way got nixed. Like did Portman actually see *that* or was it at least updated to the shot scene where he rejects her (which is ‘better’, but that’s the lowest of low bars) before she saw it. 

So basically liable for everything except actual rape. Given that this isn’t criminal, this feels like mostly a win? 5 million dollars feels significant.

The fact that he has remained in office through all of that does make him a good person to talk about how to handle scandals (don’t get me wrong, he’s an a moral piece of shit, but he does have experience weathering scandals that would probably have ended other people’s careers (as it should have)).

That isn’t Star Wars fanbase, that’s a relatively small number of troll incel man-children (granted ‘relatively small’ is still thousands of people , but that’s compared to millions of Star Wars fans who aren’t shitheads).

I mean I feel like Dexters Lab was a good show targeted to 8 year olds (and maybe stoned 16 year olds). That doesn’t mean that an adult can’t get some entertainment out of it, but I wouldn’t expect it to ‘hold up’ in the sense of being something as enjoyable to watch as when I was a (checks notes/dates) stoned 20 year