Chris Ferejohn

This is Uni erasure.

Agree with all this, but I was still more surprised by Parasite winning all told.

To be fair, Ass Warriors IV: The AssAssIns was robbed.

It’s like they look at the budget line and the big money items are stars and special effects so they say “well that’s where we put the most money so that must be the most important things”

I think it’s more to do with the character(s) role in the narrative - is it to teach a white man about himself or do they have their own goals, agendas, etc. Some famous examples are in fact “magic”, but I hardly think it’s a requirement.

He’s talking about when the movie was in development, right after Pretty Woman, when Roberts was 24. He would have been in his mid-30s, which I imagine still makes you feel like a kid when you are trying to put together a multi-million dollar hollywood movie.

Happens to lots of guys. Nothing to be ashamed of.

I mean because this content creator is clearly very popular in her medium, which weighs a lot more than “some guy doesn’t like it”. I mean I’m not sure it’s for me either, but as a 50-ish dude I’m pretty comfortable with the idea that not everything is for me and that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value.

How about “CineMAX” :P

My assumption has been that they’ve been dumping way more money into original programming to keep up with Disney+, Netflix, and Amazon who did likewise (and now seem to be in similar situations from what I understand).

You know what nobody does the last time they click on an article about Elon Musk? Reply in the comments about this is the last time they will click on an article about Elon Musk.

Because it makes sense and that’s why every country does it this way.

Weekend at Bernies is a really fucked up concept too. Its ok for movies to explore things that would be fucked up in real life.

Well the lameness of the taglines on those posters has at least tamped down my enthusiasm slightly, but I agree the previews have been promising.


I think you mean Doris, Beverly, Sonia, and Lilly...

This definitely falls under “wait, he was still alive?” for me. RIP.

That’s like the big problem with environmental legislation in general - people don’t pay for their externalities. I try to be mindful, but I’m still a middle class American who drives a car, so even for me I’m sure my impact is greater than what I pay for, never mind if I was an asshole who was going out of their way

My my my my God!

That is cutting the writers/editors/Taika a lot of slack, but I like it.