Chris Ferejohn

Yes, her and the murderous versions of R2 and 3PO (I know they have different names, but I don’t recall them) would be a hit I feel.

Getting nominated for Selena wouldn’t have been crazy, but yeah it’s not like she has a career where I’m like “what, never even *nominated*?” like Sutherland, which legit surprised me. I just assumed that somewhere along the line he’d have gotten one.

For whatever my take is worth I don’t think he’s malicious - I think his heart is mostly in the right place but he doesn’t really think through everything or have anyone on staff who does that for him. I mean fair enough, when i was his age I thought through things even less - I just wasn’t doing it loudly in front of

We got their cheeseburgers because my son is a fan. They were cold and they got like every one of our orders wrong. They were pretty responsive when I tweeted at them (they may have offered a coupon, I don’t remember because I didn’t really want another one).

You might say he’s free as a, umm, there’s some kind of metaphor here.

Maybe the clips we are seeing are flashbacks then because this certainly looks like a “we’re just using these weapons for the first time” kind of vibe, to say nothing of the “oh my god i got slightly stabbed” being a whole “I’m gonna throw up” moment, which presumably they would have gotten past if they had already

With an animation style similar to the Spider-Verse movies, TMNT: Mutant Mayhem looks like the fun fresh start for the Turtles they’ve needed on the small screen for nearly a decade.”

Didn’t Halle Berry like win an oscar after the bond film? She’s been in some stinkers, but that seems more like poor choices (or poor advice from an agent). I never feel like “what happened to Halle Berry” - she’s had a fairly long and successful career.

Is there a bond girl curse? I feel like a fair number of bond girls have gone on to (or were already in the middle of) good careers.

Also the fact that as a guy who was obviously on for one episode, he wasn’t someone Gellar “needed” to be nice to, but clearly he felt like she really went out of her way to be nice to someone who was clearly star struck being on what sounds like one of his first TV sets (it looks like he has a few other credits, but

I remember that episode because I’d read Of Human Bondage within months of when I happened to watch it.

Look this website can only hate one Chris P at a time.

I loved Hook, but I do know that it’s not universally beloved. I believe it was, if not a flop, at least a box office disappointment. Given the premise of the article, it’s hard to find a better candidate for Spielberg’s “worst” - I guess Ready Player One (though I feel like that was really the best anyone was going

The moment she did the walk and talk and changed from the city to the countryside and kept yelling for a minute I was hooked.

+1. I had no idea what it was when I hit play and I absolutely loved it.

I had a couple friends in high school who were ABC that were given Chinese names at birth, but around 5 years old were allowed to pick their own American/English names, which I remember thinking was cool. In fact my one friend was evidently ‘John’ for a year in kindergarten before deciding he’d rather be ‘Mark’.

This looks better than I expected and the Into the Spiderverse studio involvement probably gets me to at least check out a couple episodes.

Sure, but from what I’m gathering from these articles there’s not even a “public story” like “Hoda’s on vacation” or “Hoda is feeling unwell but is recovering and will join us as soon as she can”. I mean, she is certainly entitled to her privacy, but it seems like someone in the chain could have come up with some kind

Quidditch always seemed like a sport created by someone who knew nothing about sports and what makes them work as games or as entertainment.

It is a little weird that they evidently haven’t said anything? Like just “Hoda isn’t feeling well, but she’s resting up and I know she wants to get well and get back as soon as possible!” or whatever - doesn’t have to have any specifics.