Chris Ferejohn

Eating pizza in that getup is grotesque to me in a way I don’t quite understand. Maybe just cognitive dissonance. Don’t get me wrong, if she’s hungry, she should eat, it’s just weird in a staged photo where I’d expect champagne or chocolate covered strawberries or something.

I think my favorite part is the end when she’s just waving from inside the TV.


Oh man I at least think (if not say) “you were not brought upon this world to ‘get it’” every time someone says “I don’t get it”


I mean thy can’t really do that with any kind of believability because they were to spin off her own show. Her acting ability or lack thereof is a bit besides the point - she was clearly popular in the role.

“Elon Musk looks to leverage his money to attach his name to someone else’s work and take credit for being a visionary.”

Yes, was going to say this. I know it’s hard to do real journalism these days with the rewards for sites like these being clicks and page views and spewing out “the top 10 games from blah blah blah” is much more low hanging fruit, but I really appreciated the research that clearly went into this.

Until I read this headline I didn’t even know that he was a voice in Family Guy, but I certainly knew about all those other roles. I was a big fan of it’s initial run (which probably doesn’t say super great things about me, but I was young...ish).

Continuing to speak out of my ass, a lab environment could also have given the virus a place to develop and mutate before leaking back out. I have no idea how labs where viruses are studied for medical research, but I don’t have the sense anyone else in these comments does either, and I assume whoever made this

I know very little about standard procedures for dealing with novel viruses, but I don’t see why your spitballed order of events is automatically implausible.

I mean I think she’s better than this in the sense that I think we all are...

Jesus man. Assuming this isn’t a bit, I’m sorry you were hurt, but projecting it onto half the human race is not going to help you. This is an article about the Bernstein family playing along with an assertion from a fictional character in a movie.

My favorite part is when she played a genie in beloved 90s movie Tazaam.

I don’t think the argument is that he *should* keep it to himself, it’s mystification that he *didn’t*.  

Yeah it sounds like they were just verifying the value he presumably put on the cat and he decided to latch onto it to say “these monsters are taking my cat!”

I mean I haven’t seen it but this film *sounds* absolutely delightful to me. It sounds like (from this review anyway) it had some missteps in execution, but “teens try to help a misunderstood ghost” seems like a winning concept.

I mean I guess in terms of actual plot points. Making your superhero movie a treatise on the source and nature of executive power did feel fairly ballsy to me at the time. 

I just don’t get the hate for Iron Man 2. It’s certainly not among the best, but I liked it better than Iron Man 3 and loads better than Thor 2 (which as the list points out is kind of a joyless nothing) and Age of Ultron (which really felt overstuffed to me and it’s alleged emotional payoffs just fell completely

Now I want a song where someone is frenetically screaming about Xanax.