Chris Ferejohn

That is all the more maddening because the clear direction of the story is that “the bad guy” is human nature, not a CGI monster you can punch in the face with love. I enjoyed that movie, but the last 20 minutes sure did their damndest to sabotage the previous 100.

“Original” Eric Clapton song? JJ Cale would like a word.

Jesus I would hope this is a better movie than Street Fighter.

Unbearable would you say?

I haven’t been paying too close attention to this story, but I have to admit I just now realized that it was Halle *Bailey* not Halle *Barry* who had been tapped for Ariel. I had been thinking “Halle Barry seems pretty old to play Ariel, but I guess?”

Yeah I was like wasn’t her first role when she was a teen? I mean obviously we can point to the fact that she was presumably advised to change her name to something “less Jewish” as a problem, but it’s not like we can say “she changed her name and BAM, instant fame”.

I’ll disagree on Luca (as have some others). Onward was good, but felt like it was, I don’t know coasting a little maybe? It just kind of pulled a lot of its punches where, say, Up just leaned into them.

It’s funny that you call it “the Jeremy Irons film” even though he clearly shot all of his scenes on a sound stage in about 2 days (I will grant that he is by far the best thing about the film as he clearly knows this is garbage and decides to just go maximum scenery chew).

Yeah, a lot of the stuff (including this) have a real “this is a story that happened in my game that we still talk about/joke about years later” vibe (even though it never happened in a game I was in I can definitely see “I jump into the gelatinous cube” being a thing players talk about for years). That all makes me

Something something SuperStraightFormers I imagine :eyeroll:

When did anyone ever say it wasn’t “fair game”? Sure, say whatever you like. Of all the injustices and hypocrisies in the world you could spend your time railing against, AV club writers dropping not-relevant jabs to celebrities on their vax opinions seems like the smallest possible fish you could go after, aside of

In what way is the protagonist “straight written” - he’s not really *written* at all, other than the back story about having some kind of sense of right and wrong, but his sexuality is a complete cypher from what the game actually writes.

I don’t know that he *needs* to be gay, but it does seem like his sexuality is coded as fluid enough (as for that matter are Akechi and Mishiba) that if the player wanted to pursue any of those relationships it wouldn’t seem wildly out of place (full disclosure I’m only partway through the game - bouncing off the boss

Yeah, there are all kinds of reasons to raise eyebrows at disney, but the fact that they put The Muppet Show up on streaming without any changes and just a warning in front of some episodes that says, in so many words “hey, there’s some outdated stereotypes of race and gender in here” is really a better solution than

But why though? What on earth does it gain you? I realize the same could be said for me bothering to point out the inanity of your “umm actually-ing”, but it just really is mystifying to me. 

Imagine not caring about something enough that you need to stake out that position in the comments. That seems a much weirder hill to die on than a trans person and casual Potter fan thinking about the game and it’s broader cultural context on a website about video games and their broader cultural context.

I mean look either they say that and get guff form you or they *don’t* say it and some other person or persons complain about how they are mentioning Lily without bringing up her anti-vax statements. You could, you know, just let it go.

You should really check out Andor. Like the Mandalorean it has that “lived in” feeling that good star wars stuff has but explores a bunch of new characters and new places (sure, Andor is *technically* not new, but it’s not like you learned anything about him in Rogue One)

The entire group” is defending him and is probably the reason it took 15 months to even charge him. If I saw fellow officers quitting or hell even *saying* that this is some bullshit maybe I could understand that point, but over and over again a cop does some flagrantly horrific shit that is caught on camera or

I think Colbert did that a couple times on the old Colbert Report, though I don’t know if he was the first.