Chris Ferejohn

You think doing a what *4th* paintball thing would be “pushing boundries”?

A single person making a “concerted effort” is a often used phrase and in any english dictionary you care to look it up in with that definition. 

Losing ones virginity has little to do with flirting and the understanding of using ones sexuality means, so I’m not sure that this is relevant. I’m the father of a 10 year old and the idea that I could experience any of his friends (whatever gender) “flirting” with me without a very disturbing amount of projection by

I feel like it’s one of the best movie musical adaptations we’ve had. They keep (in my opinion) fucking up the Sondheim ones by cutting a bunch of songs and casting people who can’t really handle the part (I generally like Helena Bonham Carter, but I couldn’t understand a word of her patter in Sweeney Todd). Granted

It also has to be written by another person entirely.

Ok, yeah, 15-17 year old kids can be sexual and start to have the idea what that means and that they can “use” it. We’re talking about a 10 year old.

Sure. “Your child was using vulgar phrases that they probably don’t understand and I don’t think it would be advisable to have her on a movie set” would be totally fine. “She was flirting with me” is...pretty weird.

Whoops yeah it says round trip right there.

50 miles is more like an hour away, which is a fairly significant difference.

No twitter poll is “valid” for any meaningful definition of that term, whether or not there are bots or vote rigging. Just sampling “whoever feels like answering” is not reasonable polling methodology. 

What they are doing with magic as far as I’m concerned is absolutely nailing the limited experience (with the exception of SNC but honestly it mostly falls down compared what what’s around it). To be fair, I don’t really care about anything else.

Well because of how media works these days, a small number of loud dispshits on the internet can be picked up by the media as “widespread backlash”, which then starts feeding on itself. Obviously getting into yelling matches w/trolls is not helpful, but I don’t know that “just ignoring it” is valid - that was

This is obviously a joke...

I’m pretty sure that making movies by listening to a broad swath of people and trying to make them happy has basically never gone well, and in any case  “loud people on the internet” is not a representative sample.

I believe the plural is Spiders-man.

Ha. I hadn’t heard that. I get that being the director sometimes means you need to be the asshole, but boy some of them do seem to have gone way out of their way...

I mean literally what other possible reason could there be to buy them?

Kubrik famously made Shelly Duval film the staircase scene 127 times through some mix of perfectionism and wanting her to be exhausted, desperate, and on the edge of losing it.

I like how your only definition is “not what you are saying”. Like if destroying your relationship with your daughter because of your own unresolved issues with your father isn’t trauma, I don’t know what is? Does your definition say it needs to be violent? Like what counts?

If we ignore the multiversal stuff, this is a woman who is about to lose her daughter because she’s too afraid of the judgement of her father and about to lose her business and possibly her freedom because she’s too ashamed or proud to admit that she doesn’t speak english well enough to handle the tax laws. I guess