Chris Ferejohn

Does it? I do think the article is a little over the top in its “this is the first time movies have ever done this” nonsense, but I fundamentally agree that Everything is about multiversal conflict as a metaphor for generational baggage and trauma in a way that by all rights should not work at all but somehow does.

As evidently the only person on earth who really enjoyed The Nevers, I’m pretty disappointed, but I am slightly heartened that there’s at least a chance it will get to be seen *somewhere*.

“Come back, Shane Company”

I don’t think she’s a great actor, but I think she’s a good wonder woman. Or in any case the problems with WW2 (and if I can get on my soap box, that last 20 minutes of WW1) can’t really be laid at her feet.

The right is aligning with Nazis - a group that unapologetically endorses genocide. The left is...what? What is even close to equivalent with that?

Hey baby. Wanna kill all humans?

I have not seen him in much else, so while I don’t have a complete picture of Boseman as an *actor* I feel confident in his ability as a *star*. I grant this is a weird distinction, but I would liken it to Tom Cruise or Keanu Reeves. Are they great *actors*? I’m not at all sure that they are. But they are magnetic on

Exactly this. I remember thinking Eternals could have used he James Gunn treatment, because it was built backwards. It started out with serious, sad characters we had no reason to care about, and only was like “hey this is fun!” when Kumail and his documentary sidekick guy showed up halfway through. The Guardians

What the fuck? Gay conversion therapy is forced on people, usually children, though family/social pressure and sometimes actual incarceration/kidnapping. Gender affirmation is something that an individual chooses to investigate and opt into at a time and to a degree of their own choosing (or at least it should be).

Yeah, I don’t know if he’s bombastic or just physically imposing enough. I think Terry Crews could have been a good choice if they didn’t mind just asking people to say “look it’s the same character but he just looks completely different now ok?”

Eh at it’s best Monty Python is making a point, but having gone back and watched some recently (esp the Flying Circus episodes) there’s quite a lot of “random ha ha ha” in there too.

Onion needs to update their “area man constantly mentioning he doesn’t own a television” article to “area man constantly mentioning he doesn’t use google”.

I don’t think it was so much offensive so much as for me my parents and wife’s parents were always like “that show is *so* funny, I can’t believe you don’t like it!”, and I think many “nerds” felt similarly. This is of course the very definition of a first world problem, but it certainly made me view a fine, middle of

I don’t think it’s just Gen Z. I mean, have you *seen* Monty Python’s flying circus?

Rear Admiral America?

Feast and Dance originally weren’t even supposed to exist. He was going to do a 5 year time jump. Then he was like “actually I need to write a book to cover that time” then he was like “make it 2"

My wife and I watch most things w/Subtitles on b/c our son is usually asleep and otherwise we have to ride the volume button to turn it up for the quiet dialog to then be blasted by the

I read her “confession” that she let Billy die as her just indulging the darkest part of her self in order to lure Vecna out, not her “secret true feelings”. She may be revisiting feelings she’d felt in the depths of her depression, but I didn’t get the feeling we were meant to think she actually wanted to die at that

It does kind of make it look like his teachers are watching him write “I will not allow the Supreme Court to destroy democracy” 100 times.

His Killing Me Softly special (his breakout) was (and is) legitimately hilarious, but none of that makes anything he’s saying now anything but bullshit. Cosby’s standup work was amazing too, but it hardly matters now.