Chris Ferejohn

What a load of bullshit. First of all Carlin was prosecuted BY THE GOVERNMENT. You know, an *actual* free speech violation. Nobody has suggested that Chapelle is doing something illegal.

For the 80 billionth time “free speech” isn’t “freedom of everyone has to listen to you.” Nobody is suggesting Chapelle be arrested. In fact, everyone else is exercising *their* free speech in denouncing him for his bigoted bullshit (as you in turn are exercising yours in voicing your complete misunderstanding of what

Yes, I know she isn’t. My question was clearly rhetorical.

It’s just like why, *why* would she make this up? Because she gets off on being the target of vile racist sexist vitriol calling her a liar? 

I’d say The Muppet Show was pretty damned subversive.

Also, they think they are the good guys.

I don’t think anyone is “rallying” against it, just snarkily mocking it.

Or there was some kind of derivative rights clause in the initial contract.

I think it’s more that they might not even realize they were terrible. Gilliams attitude doesn’t seem to have been “I’m traumatizing this little girl, but fuck it”, it seems to have been just being unaware how freaked out she was and it seems like no adult sat him down and said “hey, Terry, this is fucked up”.

It’s also almost certainly performed by a white person whose accent training is primarily listening to other caricatures of Asian accents.

I mean those things are in no way contradictory. 

Also FWIW in Kenobi we don’t actually see any children die – the ones we see all get away (or at least get to the end of the scene), whereas that can definitely *not* be said of Stranger Things.

Objective reality is that trans women are rapists? Fuck, and i cannot stress this enough, you.

Yes, nobody is suggesting that Gervais be arrested. I’m not sure why you think that he should also be free from criticism?

Well, you’re doing it on a public forum so everyone can see you do it, so, yeah.

I mean because the setup didn’t make it clear whether it was pushback or more trans-hate, and I can’t fault someone for not wanting to watch more the latter.

Hahaha. No, you’re thinking of you.

This, however, is comedy raised to a high art form. Fuckwit.

Huh, that’s not how I remember Princess Bride.

Umm, no. I read a lot of Marvel comics in my youth (80s) and sporadically afterwards, and I’d never heard of GotG before the movies. Echo was already a main character in a streaming show. Her name recognition isn’t going to make or break the show, but she definitely has a lot more of it than GotG did, especially once