Chris Ferejohn

Counterpoint: For me her character was the single coolest thing about Hawkeye (which I generally liked). Oh look, your opinion isn’t everyone’s opinion!

I’m actually kind of curious just b/c Utah politicians do take it as a point of pride to not just regurgitate national GOP talking points (though, to be clear, they still have some fairly odious views).

Agree. That was so weird. I just kept like waiting for her to do...anything. Do a face turn, do a fake face turn and then betray them. Give us some back story that shows how she came to be the way she was because of the Jedi. Just be some kind of super combat badass. Anything. Like we basically just have to take in on


I also don’t know enough about CGI to know if maybe they can leverage the work already done to make Ruffalo Hulk look decent while they still have more work to do for her.

Sooo....can someone make port it to the Switch? Or the PS4/5? It feels like a pretty easy slam dunk. 

I admittedly have not seen The Last Jedi, but I can’t remember anything in Eps 7 and 8 that was as cringe-worthy as pretty much any of Anakin and Padme’s dialog.

It’s almost as if Marvel is producing a tremendous amount of stuff and taking some wild swings and sometimes a wild swing misses.

Yeah, this was my experience as well, though because I bounced off it I also never checked out Hit Monkey, but now it sounds like I should.

I mean that Chase is actually going to give you $300 whereas Luna was, at best, making promises that even without the benefit of hindsight there was no reason to think they could keep.

And to be fair, this choice will annoy many of the same idiots, but I would love to see them steer clear of white men in general for a while.

Everybody is different and different things work for every person.”

I don’t think a leftist being opposed to a brutal dictatorship dressing itself in the facade of communism and marxism is particularly “jumbled”. I mean, that’s kind of the point of the book – Stalinism was just replacing one brutal, uncaring elite with another.

Oh yeah, no argument he was awful as freeze, but even with his accent and (at the time) limited English he was capable of delivering (short) dramatic monologues.

Someone wanting to get in shape and lose weight is not “fat shaming”.

I feel like I’m the only person who just loved the shit out of Birds of Prey. It’s also the last movie I saw in a theatre.

OK, but these were 3-hour long movies with a budget of hundreds of millions of dollars that did not pay off for a year. The fact that they took a TV-like risk at that budget is, in and of itself, remarkable.

I know nothing about Ed Wood other than from that movie, but I came out of it really like Ed Wood. It may have been hugely inaccurate (as I said I simply don’t know), but I have a hard time seeing it as “character assassination”.

Ugh what a let down that movie was. The weird chase/fight scene in the giant teddy bear outfits is really the only highlight, and that only because of the “what the fuck” value.
