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    no, you didn't - you said the wallpaper was standard. Nothing at all about default BGInfo script

    what is the value in having your windows version on the desktop? It seems like the people who would be interested in this info would easily know how to get it, and it's not like it changes that often.

    there's OTA DVRs that you can buy, Channel Master comes to mind, but I'm sure there's others

    sounds like a job for pseudo tv plugin for xbmc, if that's something that's in your wheelhouse

    ^this argghh. Actual real life example - our bill with directv is $100 a month. $75 for the channels, plus $10 for 2 HD receivers, plus $5 for DVR fee. 25% of the bill on bullshit

    G4 is gone.

    I'm surprised they haven't closed your account due to inactivity

    anybody have a ballpark figure for a wallpaper like that. I foolishly thought the link would have some background on how this space was put together

    I don't know about opening a window when it's 9 degrees outside though

    help - my pants are too big. I am also having a hard time being able to spend my money before it starts piling up again.

    that would be a really handy feature. I got a chromebook for my dad for Christmas and he loves it, but the fact that there is no way to disable the password is a huge PITA for him as he never travels with it.

    their "blurring algorithm" is a mess, it blurs out street signs, exit signs on the freeway and my personal favorite the Colonel on the KFC signs

    without reading through the whole thing I wonder why their little map of Australia is labeled incorrectly

    "Peak" here means when yield gains stopped accelerating

    So we haven't actually peaked. We're just gaining more slowly. That's like saying your bank account has peaked because the interest rate is lower than last year.

    the more important question is - why do you have a fax machine in the kitchen?

    the thing is, you're already getting free shipping on anything over $35 if it's prime eligible so the only thing you're really saving is time. 2 day shipping is great, but I'm not saving any money

    that's excellent hanwriting

    The best thing is to just take a nap and then deal with it later

    The knots almost seem to tie themselves. I think Zoidberg would definitely wear the merovingian.