
I empathize with Rosanne and Goodman’s feelings for her that span decades. Rosanne and people with her views are seriously fucked up. We are as a people subjected to the mass delusions and paranoia of the MAGATs. When Trump is gone, the shit he has been at the forefront of is still going to be a danger to

It’s just updated TNG or Voyager, which is fine but there is a reason TV has moved past episodic, character arc only shows.

<don lafontaine voice> ONLY THE MUPPET WHO LIVES IN A GARBAGE CAN CLEAN UP THE STREET. </don lanfontaine voice>

Strange New Worlds has been awesome right out of the gate. Picard going to Earth in the past again... and DISCO is let’s just talk about our feelings all the time... I’m kind of done with those two. LOVE Strange New Worlds, keep it coming.

you know, one of the thoughts that bubbled up in me while watching the new star trek movies was: “damn, if we could get a proper trek story with such visuals, how immensely cool would that be.”

I love Strange New Worlds.

If you’re a Star Trek fan who hasn’t warmed to Discovery or Picard and haven’t watched Strange New Worlds yet, you’re missing out. It’s the Star Trek you were hoping to get. 

Because millions of Americans are dumber than him.

Take a gander at anyone with a MAGA hat and get back to me.

Because a large portion of the voting populous is just as, if not more, stupid. And fucking dumb as he may be, and as much as I hate him, he’s been a somewhat successful con-man, targeting specifically those same people, over the last number of decades.

Tweet something about that, sarcastic Wendy’s account!

A link to a YouTube video is not an article.

I was 17 before I found out that the TV and Planters Cheez Balls weren’t my biological parents.

To be fair, I was raised on TV, junk food and crappy plastic toys, and look at me now—world-renowned internet commenter!

Don’t forget *this* cube:

Except this is not landlane service. It is VoIP service.
Comcast’s voice products are basically like Ooma or Vonage, with the exception that it runs on Comcast’s cable network, so they can run QoS and make sure the voice quality is better.
True landlane service also still exists, but is rapidly going away. Landline

Agreed. There is a HUGE difference between banning something and not actively promoting it. I feel like the media may have made this worse.

Damn. I was picturing a 27 mile long, ten foot wide bed of crinkled tin foil.

Nothing has been normal about any of this from the moment he won the Republican nomination. The Overton window has not just been moved, it’s been stretched, warped, and turned inside out.

“That makes his unique ignorance about how the agency works all the more embarrassing”